
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Angela Kluke, Director of Sales Training & Product Development for MBC Broadcasting

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Angela Kluke, Director of Sales Training & Product Development for MBC Broadcasting.  The company operates throughout Ontario, Canada with a focus on small and medium markets.

Since this podcast was recorded we have learned the company has been listed on the “Growth 500” list of Canada’s fastest growing companies for the 8th consecutive year, an amazing accomplishment for any organization.

Political Media Buying 2018: Late September Update – Where Does Radio Fit?

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research of PQ Media

Similar to 2016, the use of past trends to predict the outcome of an election that have been applicable for decades are now void. Thus, “it’s about the economy, stupid,” coined by Democratic strategist James Carville during the 1992 Bush-Clinton presidential election, should have been important in the 2018 election – it is not. Although the economy strengthened during the summer, which normally is an indication that the incumbent party will maintain control, the Republican Party continued its downward spiral during that period. It was not uncommon over the past three months to look at polls, and subsequent political forecasting websites each week, and find a House, Senate and/or gubernatorial seat considered safe in July had shifted to being likely, leaning or tilting Republican, which meant that the lead over the Democratic candidate had shrunk substantially. Furthermore, too many Republican seats that were likely, leaning or titling Republican in July have become toss-ups, while other Republican seats that were toss-ups in July shifted to likely, leaning or tilting Democratic. For example, one political forecaster switched 11 Republican safe seats in July to likely, leaning or tilting Republican in September. Another forecaster expanded the number of toss-ups from 24 to 30 seats during that period, with the Republicans bearing all the bad news. It should be noted that it wasn’t six new Republican seats that became toss-ups – it was more – as numerous toss-ups in July are likely, leaning, and tilting Democratic in September. Meanwhile, the Democratic party gleefully watched some of the Democratic toss-up seats become likely, leaning or tilting Democratic, as well as likely, leaning or titling Democratic seats in July that are now safe seats in September.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room once more – control of Congress. Have the odds changed dramatically during the last three months that will allow the Democrats to regain the majority in both the Senate and House? Has the addition of new candidates, once thought safe, resulted in candidates and SuperPacs raising more money? If the answer is yes to the previous question, are there certain media platforms that will benefit from the rise in political media buying?

Continue reading “Political Media Buying 2018: Late September Update – Where Does Radio Fit?”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Shayna Sharpe, CEO of Regional Reps

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Shayna Sharpe, CEO of Regional Reps. Founded in 1956, the company works with independently owned and operated radio stations and focuses their efforts on finding national and regional revenue opportunities.

Shayna shares her thoughts on how the political business category is shaping up, advice for stations to help them develop their relationship with their national reps and a look into her crystal ball for end-of-year business results.

The Uncertain World of Marijuana Advertising Part Two – Radio’s Digital Platforms

Contributors: Brad C. Deutsch, Principal, Garvey Schubert Barer, P.C. and Aaron S. Edelman, Attorney, Garvey Schubert Barer, P.C.

In our last blog, we addressed some risks associated with marijuana advertising that are unique to being the federal licensee of a radio station, impacting their broadcast activity. However, radio stations today have a presence on digital platforms – via web, smartphone or tablets. Therefore, in this post, we turn to digital media advertising.

Continue reading “The Uncertain World of Marijuana Advertising Part Two – Radio’s Digital Platforms”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Kip Cassino, Executive Vice President of Borrell Associates.

Election day 2018 is about eight weeks away and while it is not a presidential election there are many state and local races that will be decided.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Kip Cassino, Executive Vice President of Borrell Associates. Borrell Associates recently updated their forecast for political media spending by media choice with their forecast for radio showing modest growth from their original April forecast.

With less than one-third of the 8.9 billion of political dollars yet to be spent this year, Kip shares his advice as to how radio can compete for a larger share of the available dollars and how important it is for radio to make the case that radio is local.

5 Facts and Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Over 247 million.  That’s a great number.  It’s the number of people that listen to radio every week.  It is the top reach medium – touching more people every week than any other medium or device.  This is something that we in the radio industry know.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Tina Murley, Director of Sales for the Beasley Media Group in Boston.

Having success in growing revenue all starts with relationships, being a true partner for your clients.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Tina Murley, Director of Sales for the Beasley Media Group in Boston. Tina is focused on creating a culture for her sales team of saying “yes” to their clients and potential clients. She empowers, provides the tools and helps her sellers find a way to just get it done.

She believes that digital is the future and because radio offers integrated local solutions, it’s is the perfect partner for advertisers.

Spend Time with Radio on Labor Day

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Labor Day.  Some just see it as a time to relax and unwind – spend time with family and friends or plan last-minute picnics and barbecues.  To some, it unofficially marks the end of summer while to others it is the approach of fall.  Whichever perspective, radio will be there to deliver music, news, traffic and weather information.

Continue reading “Spend Time with Radio on Labor Day”