
Strictly Voters and Political Activists Are Listening

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Although the New Year is only entering its second week, one thing is certain.  The ad spending of political candidates is just starting to rev up as they each work to reach their constituency. Political ad spending forecasts continue to rise.

As candidates and PACs strategize and plan their campaign efforts, media options can deliver different types of voters – strictly voters or political activists.

As the top reach medium, broadcast radio is tuned into by both strictly voters and adults who see themselves as political activists. So, who are they, what are their views and most importantly, where and when are they most apt to tune in?  Here are some of the answers to those questions based upon an analysis of the most current GfK MRI data.

Broadcast radio listeners who consider themselves strictly voters:

  • 37% more likely to be Republican
  • Are conservative (21% more likely to be very conservative and 22% more likely to be somewhat)
  • 67% always vote in national elections
  • 45% always vote in statewide elections
  • 39% always vote in local elections

Broadcast radio listeners who consider themselves as political activists:

  • 88% more likely to be Democrats
  • Are liberal (259% more likely to be very liberal and 64% more likely to be somewhat)
  • 73% always vote in national elections
  • 62% always vote in statewide elections
  • 55% always vote in local elections

Views on the economy and business in the U.S. by these two diverse voting groups will be a key consideration as candidates and PACs frame their political messaging. Radio listeners who are strictly voters are confident about the country’s economy – 74% believe that the economy in the next year will be about the same or better.  Radio listeners who consider themselves political activists are slightly less confident with only 62% believing the economy will be the same or better.

Despite these economic views, the radio consumption habits of these two groups are similar, with over 85% of their weekday listening occurring in car, while over 30% listen at home.  Additionally, over 50% of them listen during weekday drive times – morning and evening.  They also listen on the weekends during the day (10 a.m. – 3 p.m.) followed by evening drive (3 p.m. – 7 p.m.).

Tuned into by adults that candidates and parties need to reach, radio can influence, inform and convince. While ad spending forecasts continue to rise and are in flux, one thing is certain – broadcast radio reaches the masses. It is the top reach medium that candidates and parties need to communicate their position to their constituents.


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