
2024 – A Look Back

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During this time of year, we all try to find some time to take a breath and look back at the events of the year. Some will make you laugh, while others may make you cry.

A few weeks ago, published 2024’s word of the year – demure. According to, the term’s meaning has changed “to describe refined and sophisticated appearance or behavior in various contexts, such as at work or on a plane.”  While there were other words on their shortlist (see the full post here), each word is a reflection of impact of events throughout the year.

In 2024, broadcast radio’s meaning has remained consistent, but it cannot be limited to just one word. Throughout this past year, broadcast radio has been a(n):

  • Life saver
  • Local resource
  • Information hub
  • Community connector
  • Entertainment platform
  • Results-oriented medium
  • Cost-effective
  • Mobile
  • Interactive
  • Trusted
  • On demand
  • Exhilarating
  • Reliable
  • Modernized

Throughout 2024, this blog has highlighted radio’s strengths and role in delivering on each of these words. So, as we say farewell to this year, we’d like to share the top 10 blog posts of 2024 in chronological order.

  1. Radio’s Impact: Championing Children’s Health and Building Transformative Business Partnerships
  2. Radio is the Perfect Partner
  3. Radio Accelerates Website Traffic for Auto
  4. Why Digital-Only Brands Should Become Broadcast Radio Advertisers
  5. Plumbing and HVAC Ads on Radio: What’s Working Best
  6. Driving Demand: The Impact of Radio Listening on Auto Sales
  7. What’s on the Horizon for Radio
  8. Is Creative Wearout a Thing?
  9. Why Radio Should Play a Central Role in Multicultural Campaigns
  10. Time for a 5-Minute Timeout

We hope you enjoy reading this list as much as we enjoyed compiling it.

From the RAB family to you and yours,

Have a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous new year!
