
Why Digital-Only Brands Should Become Broadcast Radio Advertisers

Contributor: Beth Osborne, director, marketing and content, Marketron

As digital advertising continues to become a growing part of a station’s revenue, you may have a book of businesses that are digital-only advertisers. Maybe they aren’t convinced of the value of radio ads or seek an audience outside of your station demographics. For new advertisers, they may have never purchased an audio ad before. There are many reasons they may be in this bucket. The question is, should they be?

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As Millennials Go Through Life, Radio is There to Reach Them

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

While the oldest are now nearing their mid-40s and the youngest not yet 30, millennials now represent the largest generation group in the U.S. The U.S. Census in 2022 estimated that there were more than 72.24 million millennials.

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Radio Puts a Bow on Holiday Gift Shopping

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

With Thanksgiving behind us, it means that the holiday shopping frenzy is just beginning, or is it? If you are following consumer sentiment reports, it is anyone’s guess as to how “frenzied” it will be. Retailers will need to be diligent about product promotions and sales and where they promote them.

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Radio Listeners and Their Fashion Sense

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Have you looked in your closet lately and asked yourself, “Will I ever wear that again?” Clothing styles and trends have changed a lot in the past years. A search for sneakers will deliver options – athletic, fashion, walking and even dress.

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Amplifying Brand Buzz: How Radio Redefines Conversations and Influence

Harness Radio’s Unique Ability to Fuel Purchase Intent and More

Contributor: Vanessa Lontoc, VP of Marketing, Engagement Labs

In the ever-evolving landscape of media impact, radio emerges as a potent catalyst for brand conversations. The study “Radio Drives Brand Conversations,” commissioned by RAB in partnership with Engagement Labs, dives deep into radio’s role in driving brand discussions and explores its profound influence on purchase intent, societal discourse and the bottom line. In this blog, we dissect key findings and offer actionable recommendations for brands and advertisers looking to harness the untapped potential of radio conversations.

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It’s Never Too Early to Get into the Spirit of the Holiday Shopping Season

Author: Nick Arias, Research & Insights Assistant, RAB

As incredible as it may seem, the end of the 2023 calendar year is fast approaching. This means that the countdown to the holiday season is right around the corner. To many, this means the start of seasonal shopping for gifts.

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Radio Is a Powerful Ad Channel Across the Sales Funnel

Contributor: Todd Kalman, SVP of Sales, Marketron

Radio still has plenty of ears listening. The latest listener data highlights that AM/FM radio is the No. 1 mass-reach audio medium, with 91% of Americans age 18 and older listening monthly. Ad-supported radio also wins in share of ear and time spent listening. These are vital metrics demonstrating that radio is still a dominant presence and the best way for many advertisers to connect with audiences.

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How Radio Builds Effectiveness for RMN Campaigns

The complementary effectiveness of radio’s always-on audience and retail media networks’ deep dataset

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

The marketing industry has long leaned into results-driven marketing efforts that square up against specific goals, audiences, and strategies. Today, due in part to the current financial climate, seemingly all marketing is performance marketing, with metrics defined by cost per audiences reached, served, and, ultimately, converted.

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Radio and Small Businesses are Perfect Partners

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During the pandemic, while many businesses were impacted, the role that small local business within communities was magnified. Many small businesses had to pivot to survive or struggled to keep their doors open.

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Radio Can Help Promote Springtime Businesses

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

Spring is in the air. The weather is warming up, and flowers are blooming. It’s finally that time of the year when we can enjoy the outdoors. Now’s the time when people will begin lawn maintenance, growing fruits and veggies or just relaxing on their porch.

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Reaching the Cost-Conscious Consumer

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Eggs! Have you ever heard so many people talking about the price of eggs? If you do an internet search on eggs, you will probably get “fed” articles on chicken coops. That’s right – people think it is better to buy a coop than to buy eggs.

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Home Services Ads on Radio: What’s Working Best

Contributor: Rick Kestenbaum, General Manager, AnalyticOwl

Is a homeowner ever truly done with repairs and projects? Most homeowners will tell you no, and that creates constant opportunity for businesses in the home services category.

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Top Cultural Trends of 2023

Contributors: Maxine Gurevich, SVP/Cultural Intelligence and Courtney Mota, VP/Cultural Intelligence, Horizon Media

In 2022, we saw several pivotal events — the overturning of a 50-year law by the U.S. Supreme Court, Elon Musk’s seemingly impulsive Twitter takeover, FTX’s high-profile collapse, nationally televised hearings of the January 6th Committee and a contentious mid-term election. These are the kind of events that force people to question how the actions of a powerful few impact the majority. In 2023, we’ll be asking what role there is for brands to play in helping the current systems work better for more people. People are tired but better informed, and brands should prepare to demonstrate value upfront before asking people to part with their already-stretched, too-hard-earned money.  

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2022 – The Year of Local

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses. Retailers. Restaurants. Community. There has been incredible focus on everything local as consumers looked around and realized the role and impact local has in their lives. After all, it is great to travel, but “there’s no place like home.”

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The Three Holidays of America Under Inflation

Contributors: Maxine Gurevich, SVP/Cultural Intelligence and Steve Grant, SVP/Human Intelligence, Horizon Media

While the National Retail Federation reports that the 2021 holiday sales grew 14.1% from 2020 to $887B, inflation’s historic high will mean a different shopping season for 2022. Our data shows that 69% of all people are concerned or very concerned with inflation’s effect on their overall finances. But like much in the contemporary U.S. landscape, inequality and division are affecting the holiday retail season – people are experiencing three entirely different holidays depending on psychological reactions to inflation.

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The Eyes Have It

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Throughout 2020, eyes became the focal point of expression and connection. In some instances, adults used makeup to accentuate their eyes impacting eye makeup sales. According to a Kantar analysis, while the total cosmetics category experienced usage declines in 2021, eye makeup was less severely impacted.

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Shoppers Spend a Lot of Time with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Halloween is almost here. To some, that brings images of candy and costumes, but to others, it means that holiday shopping is about to begin.

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Wining and Dining – Appetizing Opportunities with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

When it comes to summer heat, there’s only one thing better than a cold beverage – having a cold beverage with a good meal out. Those meals taste better because there isn’t the need to clean up the kitchen. 

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Use Radio to Gain the Attention of Back-to-School Shoppers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It is summer! It’s the time of year for backyard parties, days at the beach and back-to-school shopping. While it may be hard to believe, families are already planning their strategy for purchasing all their children’s back-to-school (BTS) and back-to-college (BTC) needs.

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Radio Works to Drive Business and Brand Growth

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

Radio can help brands and businesses grow in a number of ways. Whether the goal is to drive awareness, traffic, or sales, radio can be a key player in a brand’s media plan. In fact, according to a 2020 iHeartMedia survey, radio is the No. 1 trusted medium in the U.S., with 75 percent of respondents saying they trust radio for the information and entertainment it delivers.

Through a Radio Works series of online, members-only events, the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) has taken a deep dive into more than 18 categories of business, including healthcare, automotive, retail, and restaurants, among others. While each category is unique, one thing remains consistent across the board: radio can be an effective way to drive business and brand growth.

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