
Leading By Example

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

Mahatma Gandhi famously said, “be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This simple, yet meaningful advice is perhaps more relevant and inspiring today than when it was first spoken.

There has been a marketing shift brewing over the past several months that has been ignited and fast-tracked by the current climate. We are seeing brands across all categories expressing their humanity, supporting consumers, contributing and leading social justice causes and using the power of their voice to publicly express their values and lead by example to inspire and activate change.

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Radio Ad Effectiveness Scores Go Sky High with COVID-19 Messages

Contributor: Angela Jeffrey, VP Brand Management, ABX

In a recent study of 168 COVID-19-related Radio ads measured by Advertising Benchmark Index (ABX) since March 4, advertising effectiveness scores were amazingly high. Radio spots featuring thanks to first responders, helpful advice to listeners regarding resisting the virus and conveying a serious tone in their announcements all did well. Below is a look at how Radio is performing right now, including a close look at five of the top ten COVID-19 spots, showing how effective Radio can be during a time of crisis.

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Political Media Buying 2020:
How Has the Coronavirus Impacted Strategies June 2020 Update

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research of PQ Media

It’s been over nine months since I last posted on the RAB blog regarding political advertising and marketing during the 2020 elections. Back then, there were still more than 20 major Democratic candidates, enough to compose a football team. Two Democratic debates had been aired, as top candidates jockeyed for the lead. Primaries were still months away and candidates were in full fundraising mode. Donald Trump and the Republican Party were on edge about the 2020 elections. On the one hand, they were touting the strength of the US economy, although there were fears of a recession if the US-China tariff trade wars escalated. On the other hand, impeachment was being discussed, but it related to the obstruction findings in the Robert Mueller report. Based on the political environment in August 2019, PQ Media was predicting that political media buying would reach $8.33 billion in 2020.

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How Has the Coronavirus Impacted Strategies June 2020 Update”

Radio Has a Great Story

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

As states across the country locked down, it created massive shifts in behaviors and routines. We’ve all read about studies that have analyzed the shifts and the overall mood by people across the country. One thing was evident among all these studies – people are missing what they did every day.

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Navigating the New Auto Purchase Journey

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Think of the last time you went to buy or lease a new car. What were the steps you took? How long was the actual shopping and buying process? If you are like most people, it took about three months to shop, and a lot of it was done online.

The greater question is, what impact will COVID-19 have on the auto purchase journey?

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Local is a Driving Force

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Local truly matters. If there is one thing that everyone has learned during this pandemic, it is how important local businesses and communities matter – to everyone. When this all began, little did anyone realize how much walking into local businesses would be missed. You walk in, say “hello,” and if you frequent them enough, they call you by your first name. This event has been a very painful reminder of how much these local businesses mean to all of us.

Kelton Global, a consumer insights and strategy consulting firm, has been analyzing consumer behavior and sentiment since the onset of the pandemic. The most current data shows that 52% of Americans believe that the long-term effects of the coronavirus will be mostly positive than negative, and 9 out of 10 believe that there will be one positive change to come out of the outbreak.

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Radio Ad Categories Web Increases During COVID-19

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It may be hard to imagine, but it was just a few years ago that headlines focused on how a particular generation was changing and impacting everything – from the workplace, to food and shopping. It is without question that 2020 will be marked as a year that impacted how and where all consumers shop.

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Reaching Black and Hispanic Populations through Radio and
Other Media

Contributor: Gabriel Soto, Manager of Research, Edison Research

Under the current climate of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to disseminate information to various communities effectively. Often overlooked, African-American and Hispanic communities can benefit with a few insights into each group’s media consumption.

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Other Media”

Here’s What Listeners Are Thinking

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Understanding the mindset of the consumer has always been important for advertisers. However, during these times, what resonated with consumers pre-COVID may no longer be relevant. How a consumer currently feels, their concerns and their trust has never been more important for advertisers to recognize than now.

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Advertising During Difficult Times

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It can’t be said enough – these are extremely unusual and difficult times for everyone. As each day passes, I think it is safe to say that we all hope and look forward to things getting better. They will, but it is just a matter of when.

I am certain that many of you have gone to local businesses in search of certain products or items and looked at the people in those businesses in a way you never had before. They are on the front lines, making sure that we have what we need.

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The Spirit of Radio – Connecting in Times of Business Unusual

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

“There’s something about the spirit of radio. It helps us all to know each other better and gives us a sense of purpose and community in a time where we need those things more than ever.”
– Adam Grant, Creative Director, AKQA (abridged).

Historically speaking, in periods of great challenge, truly there is no more important medium than local radio. In uncertain and unpredictable times, broadcast radio has proven that it is the backbone of the country’s information distribution system, with increased listening among consumers across all of its platforms.

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Insights from The Infinite Dial

Contributor: Laura Ivey, Director of Research, Edison Research

The most telling image from The Infinite Dial 2020 presentation is a screenshot of our presenters, Edison Research SVP Tom Webster and Triton Digital President of Market Development John Rosso, leading the webcast with over 1,500 attendees from their respective homes. No one could have anticipated that our setup would be driven by social distancing precautions. Now seems like a most appropriate time to talk about the most recent findings on the “infinite dial” of podcasting, digital, audio, radio and social media that connect us all.

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Radio. It’s On!

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Cancellations, social distancing, empty streets, working from home, virtual classes – this has become the new norm for many of us. We are all anxiously waiting to get back to how it used to be. In the interim, there is one thing that everyone can count on. Radio. It’s On.
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It’s Not Business as Usual

Author: Jeff Schmidt, SVP, Professional Development, RAB

“Be safe, be mindful and be calm.” – Erica Farber, RAB President and CEO

One thing is for certain, we are in times of uncertainty. Change is happening hour by hour. Our government leaders, medical community, service organizations and our business communities are all trying to respond appropriately and immediately to the ever-evolving situation.

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Vital Help In Times of Need

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

“Tough times never last, tough people do.” Dr. Robert H. Schuller

There is no doubt that we are all experiencing a difficult and stressful time. Natural disasters and current events have everyone unsettled. Staying up to date on local news is important – whether you are impacted by the events or not.

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Under the Weather? Radio Can Help

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Recent headlines may have some Americans considering not only who their doctor is, but also when they last saw them – if they have one.

There are many ways to select a doctor or physician of any kind. provides a few tips for adults on selecting a doctor. Those tips include asking for recommendations from family, friends or colleagues, as well as checking with insurance providers, considering distance to location and hours. Of course, most doctors have all this information available online, but how do you get them to the site? Radio, of course.

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Targeting the Affluent Consumer

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Today’s uncertainty in the economic landscape is top of mind among consumers and businesses alike. This uncertainty is impacting everyone – including those who are considered affluent.

According to the YouGov Affluent Perspective 2019 Global Survey, only 44% of respondents stated that they were extremely/very confident in the strength of their personal economy. Perhaps that is why 76% state that they are making fewer and more meaningful purchases.

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Radio by the Numbers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Artificial intelligence. Autonomous vehicles. Robotic pets. It is easy to become enamored with technology and the latest gadgets, because they provide us with something that we didn’t know we needed or wanted. However we have also seen some technology or gadgets that some thought would be the next hottest thing, fizzle out.

Despite these tech advances, people today still use and appreciate the value of Radio. At its core, Radio remains relevant and prevalent, regardless of the device or platform used to tune in.

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The Voice That Keeps You Company

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During RAB’s team coverage of CES 2020, John Holdridge of Fullscreen, a social content company, believes that there is a pending social recession. He said that people may “optimize their time for their health and well-being, there may be a point of turn-off for social.” How can eliminating social media be beneficial to a person’s health and well-being? According to a survey sponsored by the Cigna Health Insurance Company, loneliness is at an all-time high and triggered using social media. On the other hand, some studies have pointed to audio and voice as an aid to battle loneliness.

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Looking Into Her Shopping Cart

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Women make up most of the U.S. population – and they control $15 trillion in spending. They hold incredible influence in household purchase decisions – 75% to 80%. Marketing to women is an important element to the success of brands – but it’s not as simple as making things pink.

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