
Where Does Radio Fit in the 2020 Elections? – Update

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

In June, PQ Media projected that political media buying could exceed $8 billion in 2020, possibly as high as $8.5 billion.  In Part 2 of the blog post, PQ Media reviews recent issues, events and state of the economy and provides insights into the 2020 political ad forecast.

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Political Media Buying 2020: Still Way Too Early Prediction

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

In June, I posted two RAB blog posts regarding the upcoming 2020 elections. I stated that PQ Media is forecasting $8.33 billion is going to be spent by candidates and their PACs, as well as by special interest groups supporting/not supporting ballot initiatives or referendums. Radio was predicted to do well, fueled by candidates targeting multicultural audiences.

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Local Radio is More Important Than Ever

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

In mid-July, a local newspaper that has been in existence for 233 years announced that it would be cutting its print version to only three days a week.  In an interview, the director of one of the local universities responded: “It’s devastating to communities.  Not only do they lose their news, it erodes everything else in terms of civic participation.”

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Radio’s Workplace Listening is BIGGER Than Ever

Contributor: Leigh Jacobs, EVP Research Analysis, NuVoodoo Media Services

Consumers today are connected 24/7. They have the ability to tap into news, entertainment and information whenever, wherever and in whatever format they want. Thanks to technology, the connection with radio continues – into the workplace.

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Radio – Important Among Internet Users

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

While the internet, sometimes referred to as a “network of networks,” was around in the ‘70s it did not become available to the public until the early ‘90s.  Since then, the ability for consumers to tap into the internet has had an incredible impact on everything they do – shopping, driving and even their media consumption.

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Your Sports Bets and Radio

Contributor: Brad C. Deutsch, Principal, Garvey Schubert Barer, P.C.

It’s Been Just Over a Year Since the Supreme Court Opened the Floodgates – So, Can Radio Finally Start Taking Ads?

In May 2018, the Supreme Court sided with the State of New Jersey in Murphy v. NCAA, and struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (“PASPA”), which was a federal statute that prohibited states themselves from legalizing sports betting.[1]

While the Supreme Court’s decision did not automatically make sports betting legal, the decision did open the door for each state to decide whether sports betting should be legal within its borders.

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“School’s Out For Summer”

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

“School’s out forever!”  Who doesn’t love that song by Alice Cooper.  No matter the generation, it’s a lyric everyone knows. We know it’s July but guess what?  School isn’t really out forever.  August is National Back-to-School month.

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Radio Gets You (a) Home

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

There are many important events in life – graduating, accepting a job, getting engaged or married and, of course, buying a home.  Important? Maybe. Stressful?  Absolutely!

If you haven’t had the experience, I’m certain that you know someone that has purchased, is in the process of doing so, or is currently searching for a home to buy. And no matter how you look at it, it is one of the biggest commitments you can make.  With a commitment like this, you need someone you can trust by your side.  Nope, not a significant other, mother, father or friend. You need a real estate agent and radio is there to help!

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The Connection Between Radio
and Independence Day

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

This Thursday, July 4th, Americans across the country will celebrate Independence Day. On this day, well over 80% of adults across age groups will celebrate in some way, according to the National Retail Federation.

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and Independence Day”

Here’s What RADIO Stands For

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Anything is possible on radio.  You can hear a singing garbage bag, a hamburger rap song or something that sounds like a bull elk.  What you hear on the radio can also make you laugh, gasp or cry. 

Yes, anything is possible on radio and that’s what attendees heard on June 6 at the 2019 Radio Mercury Awards, held at SONY HALL in New York.  Continue reading “Here’s What RADIO Stands For”

Political Media Buying 2020: “Where Does Radio Fit?”

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

Just to recap, based on previous elections, PQ Media projects that political media buying could exceed $8 billion in 2020, possibly as high as $8.5 billion. Monies have already been spent in 2019 that exceed 2015 figures, particularly on marketing services like public relations, direct marketing, telemarketing, promotional products, experiential marketing and market research.

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Political Media Buying 2020: Way Too Early Prediction in June 2019

Contributor: Leo Kivijarv, Ph.D., Executive Vice President & Director of Research, PQ Media

When the Radio Advertising Bureau reached out to PQ Media a few months ago to continue our tradition of prognosticating political media buying, this time for 2020, I felt like the football and basketball reporters at ESPN and Sports Illustrated who release a Top 25 poll for the following season the day after the FBS Championship and Final Four. It’s too early to predict with so many unknowns, particularly given the political discourse of the past days, weeks and months. But I’ll give it my best shot, based on previous election trends.

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The Incredible Influence, Impact and Loss of WPLJ

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

As a Brooklyn girl, I grew up listening to WPLJ-FM and the voices of Jim Kerr, Shelli Sonstein, Pat St. John and so many more.  They were the voices that woke me up in the morning, kept me company at the beach and served as my companion when I was old enough to drive. WPLJ was a very big part of my life as were the personalities and the music I heard on the station.

Radio has an incredible influence and impact – not just in advertising effectiveness but in people’s lives.

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Radio Matters Rewind

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Today is Memorial Day. It is a time when we remember and honor those who have died protecting and serving our country. It is also the unofficial kickoff of the summer season – with parades, picnics, barbecues and family gatherings.

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Music Radio Delivers a Diverse Audience

Contributor: Jay Nachlis, Associate Consultant/Marketing Director, Coleman Insights

Radio is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. It’s one of the advantages and calling cards of local radio stations — the ability to reach specific audiences with differing tastes. Understanding differences in music tastes and usage helps validate the effectiveness of radio as a local, targeted medium for advertisers.

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Radio Helps Small Businesses Grow

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Last week was National Small Business Week. According to the U.S. Census, there are nearly 30 million small businesses. Small businesses play a crucial role in their local communities. They have a positive impact on the job market, help defray costs/taxes and provide consumers with product/service alternatives. They also help shape and influence the community – just like radio.

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In Radio You Can Trust

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

No word has ever had a greater impact on brands as trust. Consumers today are in control and not only expect but demand that the brands they engage with be authentic to keep their loyalty.

Security breaches and concerns about data privacy are now at the forefront of consumers’ minds, and trust is as important a component of brand consideration as brand value. For marketers, finding the balance or sweet spot tapping into data, consumer engagement and maintaining trust are what may keep many chief marketing officers up at night.

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Lessons Learned from Auto Advertisers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

There’s no doubt that technology is impacting all industries.  When it comes to the auto industry, the impact has been tremendous.  From interactive dashboards to navigation systems to on-board safety features.  Despite all these features, certain drivers still want simplicity and just be “able to turn their radio on or off” according to Tom Payton, AVP, Marketing Operations with American Honda Motor Company.

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Be Brave with Growth Driving
the Mission

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP, Business Development, RAB

The takeaway from the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) annual Media Conference was to embrace bravery, take risks and step up and recognize that business and brand growth is the “shiny new object.”

In his opening remarks that set the stage for the 700+ brand media and marketing attendees, Bob Liodice, CEO of the ANA, stated that the world’s leading brands are “activating brave.” It’s a shift from ensuring consistency to stimulating desire among consumers, from being marketing centric to acting enterprise centric, and from creating functional and emotional differentiation to changing a way a business goes to market. In order to do this, brands must intuitively understand their customers and they need to be willing to communicate in brave, iconic ways that will delight and deliver the way the consumer wants to receive it.

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the Mission”