
Radio’s Impact: Championing Children’s Health and Building Transformative Business Partnerships

Contributor: Fleur Voruz, Senior Director/Media, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Through purposeful partnerships, radio stations uniquely position themselves as champions by raising funds and awareness for critical needs in their local communities. These collaborations not only elevate positive listener sentiment, but they also drive employee engagement and business value for the radio station and its sponsors.

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Political Ads in 2024: Don’t Forget Your Own Backyard.

Contributor: Steve Passwaiter, President, Silver Oak Political

Last week, I provided some background into local races. I also focused on the importance of sharing insights and information about radio listeners, dispelling misperceptions about radio and tapping into the creativity that is synonymous with radio. This week it is about execution.

I think I’ve likely given you some definite clues about taking care of executing political advertisers. Armed with solid data about how adding radio to schedules helps increase the advertisers reach to voters, you’ve got a talking point to get someone’s interest. What are you doing to promote that? Radio has multiple platforms to reach listeners AND advertisers. It’s worth using some of those to make the results of this study known in your market.

The one indispensable piece of advice I can provide is the one that is used in the title of this blog: Don’t forget your backyard! Use your local influence; get out and meet the people within an hour’s drive that are going to control millions of local dollars. Get to your state’s capital and introduce yourself to the people that run the political parties at the state level. This is a group of advertisers running a massive one-day sale in November. How can you help them deliver their message to the market? Think about bundling those digital assets they can use, too. (Many are unaware that radio can do that too.)

Remember – you must play the long game in politics. That means that you don’t stop once the election is over. There will be dollars in play in 2025, and the “off” years are not so off any longer. This is a great time to expand relationships and explore new ways of helping.

I once was told by one of my old radio sales managers that the best time to sell is when nothing is happening. He was right about that. You’ll find that political agencies and political contacts will be more likely to hold a meeting with you, especially if you’ve have people that will recommend you. Sales is like politics – it is all about relationships.

As we consider the rest of 2024, pay particular attention to your properties that reach into the African American and Hispanic communities. Political parties will plan to spend not just candidate dollars but, dollars aimed at increasing voter registration and participation in both communities. Recent polling is showing a shift in voter attitudes and that likely translates to each political party having to do more work and spend more money to bring these voters to their side or keep them on their side.

There are local coordinators that are in charge of these efforts and it’s time to get to know them and see what you can do to help them to do their job. The financial rewards are obvious in the short term and the relationships you build are a bonus in the long term – with future election.

Former Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill, was credited for saying that “all politics are local.” For radio broadcasters who work hard and who are part of their communities, it’s time to change the rules of engagement. It is time for broadcast radio to reap the shares it deserves in political advertising.

Political Ads in 2024: Don’t Forget Your Own Backyard.

Contributor: Steve Passwaiter, President, Silver Oak Political

The Opportunity:

We all know it. The projections are everywhere. Political ad experts are estimating spending ranging from $10 to $16 billion during the 2024 political cycle. A sizable portion of that will end up as part of what looks to be a rematch between our current and former president. However, there will be a lot to explore for media sellers in down-ballot races this year. A quick look at some recent races gives us a clue about what has changed and what awaits us.

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Radio Digital Revenue Grew by 6.8%: Insights from the Borrell-RAB Digital Benchmarking Report

Contributors: Todd Kalman, SVP sales, Marketron, and Beth Osborne, director, marketing and content, Marketron

Now in its 12th year, the Borrell-RAB digital benchmarking for radio delivered intelligence and learnings for the local media sales industry. One of the most exciting revelations was that radio digital revenue increased by 6.8%, besting the overall market of 5.4%. Additionally, 21% of all radio station ad revenue is now in the digital bucket. We’re eager to dive deep into the findings to deliver analysis for the year ahead.

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Boomers are a Sales Opportunity for Businesses

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

In today’s advertising landscape, there is a great focus on Generation Z – what they like and don’t like. It isn’t that this generation isn’t important. It is that there is another that is often missed – baby boomers.

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Reach Pet Owners with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

After a long day at work, there is nothing like taking some time to go for a walk or play with a furry friend. Pet ownership has been shown to improve one’s physical and mental health. Not only do they offer companionship and reduce stress, in some instances, they provide a service by helping people live independently.

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Radio Has Auto Insurance Covered

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

For some, purchasing a vehicle is exciting, for others it brings on a feeling of dread. There are many decisions to make; there are cost considerations. Vehicle purchase decisions by some are not just about the cost of the vehicle but the cost of vehicle ownership.

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Technology and Trust

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During CES 2024, companies displayed new technologies and innovations. If you have read or seen anything, the future will be interesting with what will hopefully be available for us. But where do consumers, more importantly radio listeners, fit in? What do they think about the technology available to them in the devices they use?

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Radio Moves People to New Homes

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Entering a new year, people will often do something new or make a change to start fresh. What better way to start fresh than to move?

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Radio Highlights to Kick Off 2024

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Here we are. Welcome to the first week of 2024! This first week is when many will start something new. Whether that “new” is exercise, reading more, taking on a new hobby or something else, it is also a good time to remember some of the things from 2023.

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Hiring? Radio Can Get the Job Done

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses and organizations have struggled over the past few years filling open roles or just retaining staff. There appears to be good news on the horizon as numerous publications and economists are reporting that this phenomenon is over.

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Radio Works to Drive Business Forward

Tapping into radio’s loyal, attentive, and social audience yields a boost to the bottom line

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

The current economic environment and consumer concerns over inflation are challenging marketers and media alike to do more with less in an increasingly complicated and competitive marketplace. Add to that the ongoing threat of another health crisis, the rapid influx of advancing technology, and the multiplicity of events in 2023 and their long tail impact, one thing has remained stable, efficient, results-driven, and a trusted partner to marketers. Radio.

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Radio Puts a Bow on Holiday Gift Shopping

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

With Thanksgiving behind us, it means that the holiday shopping frenzy is just beginning, or is it? If you are following consumer sentiment reports, it is anyone’s guess as to how “frenzied” it will be. Retailers will need to be diligent about product promotions and sales and where they promote them.

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Radio Works for Personal Injury Attorneys

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

This past September, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released vehicular crash statistics for first half 2023. There were just under 20,000 estimated vehicular fatalities from January to June of this year. It is a shocking number, and sadly, it is just 3% lower when compared to 2022.

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Radio Listeners are Craving Fast Food

Author: Nick Arias, Research & Insights Assistant, RAB

At some point in our lives, we’ve all had a favorite meal from a fast-food restaurant – a hamburger, rib sandwich, chicken or just fries. No matter what the restaurant or meal is, the one thing that people have in common is a love for that favorite food.

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Radio Shines for Jewelry Retailers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Jewelry is a reflection of a person’s individual style. Whether it is a bracelet, ring or watch, it can be a statement of one’s personality or culture, but it can also be reminiscent of a family member.

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Radio Works for Local and State Government Agencies

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Political views and interests by Americans have been the topic of many news articles and stories. Yet, how Americans view their state and local governments has been favorable. According to a Pew Research survey in 2022, 66% of American adults have a favorable view of their local government, and 54% have a favorable view of their state government.

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Scams Targeting Small Businesses

Contributors: Kevin Frisch, Associate and Brad Deutsch, Principal, Foster Garvey PC

News outlets regularly discuss the impact of scams and fraud on individuals and high-dollar schemes that target large and established companies make headlines. However, less attention is paid to lower dollar frauds and scams targeting small businesses. Small business personnel may be more likely to make key mistakes in interactions with scammers, as they may jump at opportunities to save money on business essentials, and they shoulder significant workloads without the infrastructure or security tools available at larger businesses to protect themselves from scammers.

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Radio listeners are packing it up!

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

Stay-at-home orders are but a distant memory in the minds of the average consumer. People are ready to see attractions near and far from their homes. Consumers are ready to relax on the beach, take a trek through the mountains or travel for shopping excursions on Rodeo Drive or on Fifth Avenue. In short, travel is back.

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Radio Listeners and Their Fashion Sense

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Have you looked in your closet lately and asked yourself, “Will I ever wear that again?” Clothing styles and trends have changed a lot in the past years. A search for sneakers will deliver options – athletic, fashion, walking and even dress.

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