
The Pulse on Audio

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

Staying in tune with the advertising community, with regards to their opinions as it relates to radio and audio, is key to success for radio stations and advertisers alike. Opinion research provides a solid read on the pulse of the community, who are surveyed on specific topics. Brands are able to see how their brand compares and gain valuable strategic insights. Radio stations can also gain insight into current perceptions that can be shared and addressed among the advertising community.  For these reasons, in 2019, RAB launched Audio Pulse™ – a polling mechanism to gauge the advertising community opinion on radio, as well as audio’s value and core competencies.

RAB has leveraged all platforms available to reach and poll more than 350 national, regional and local advertisers and agencies on topics pertaining to marketing and media.

Though each advertiser is unique, understanding the general perception among this group is critical to help shape and define fact-based conversations about the power, resilience and versatility of America’s #1 reach medium – radio.

We asked respondents “when you consider the word AUDIO, what comes to mind?” and 88.1% of advertisers identified “radio,” reconfirming that Radio is the #1 audio platform and a great start.

We then asked them how knowledgeable they are about everything broadcast radio offers across platforms. While 34% are very familiar, more than 66% indicated they were only somewhat knowledgeable or not knowledgeable enough about radio’s core competencies and capabilities. A staggering 86% know more about other media (TV, Digital, Print, OOH, etc.) than they do about radio.

What does this mean?

Collectively, whether you are representing a single station, a network or a collection of radio brands and assets, we all have the responsibility and privilege to showcase everything our platforms and brands have to offer. It is crucial for us to help our advertising partners engage and provide meaningful experiences for their target consumers.

It is core to the mission of the RAB, and it pays off. Nearly 47% of advertisers polled indicated they have included radio in their strategies as a result of either meeting with RAB staff and broadcasters at events, webinars or reading newsletters published by the RAB through the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).

If we can increase the learning curve, the opportunities are endless for brands and radio stations alike.

How do your partners compare? Ask them to take their Audio Pulse™ – they may be surprised at what they learn!


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