
Radio’s Strength in Fitness

Author: Nick Arias, Research & Insights Assistant, RAB

Although the year is still young, the summer season is quickly approaching. People are in the right mindset to get in the best shape possible. While many are reaching their fitness goals, there are some that are still figuring out where to start.

A LifeTime Fitness study examined how people prioritize their health and uncovered that 64% of respondents would prioritize their health and well-being more in 2024 than in 2023 – a 29% increase from the previous year. Additionally, 36% of respondents claim that the number one goal for 2024 was to build muscle.

Admittedly, fitness goals vary based on the individual. Eight in ten adults feel confident in their ability to reach their 2024 fitness goals, while only 6% say their confidence is lacking, per a Forbes Health study. Eighty-six percent of survey respondents believe their New Year resolution will have a positive impact beyond 2024.

While many fitness enthusiasts focus on health and physique, many will use broadcast radio to keep them company as they achieve their goals. Seven in ten broadcast radio listeners exercise regularly and 62% of gym members tune in, per MRI-Simmons data. While some adults may exercise to achieve their fitness goals, radio listeners do it to help relieve stress (41%). Broadcast radio is both a companion and mood enhancer for gym members. Sixty-six percent of gym members tune into AM/FM for pure entertainment, relaxation and to simply get put into good mood.

This information is great news for local gyms who are trying to not only maintain but grow their membership. Tapping into broadcast radio’s audience to highlight the physical and mental benefits of exercise will appeal to these listeners. The news is also good for retailers of home exercise equipment.

While some adults may be gym members, others still prefer to get a sweat in at home. According to CivicScience, 52% of exercisers work out at home several times a week while 25% work out at home a few times a month. Additionally, 51% of adults said that working out from home is more convenient than going to an actual gym. For home exercise equipment retailers, radio holds it weight. Forty-seven percent of radio listeners participate in a regular exercise program two or more times weekly at home, per MRI-Simmons.

No matter the time of year, people always plan to take care of their health. Health is both physical and mental, and exercise is beneficial to both. The strength and power of radio can motivate and accompany people during their fitness and exercise journey.


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