
Whet the Appetite with Radio

Isn’t it odd that when you hear someone talking about a meal they had you suddenly crave it?  And the more descriptive they become – using words like creamy, spicy, and juicy – that image comes to life, driving you to crave it even more.  These words don’t have to come from someone sitting next to you to whet your appetite; they can come from listening to the radio.

By the end of 2016 the restaurant category, comprised of fast food, casual and fine restaurants, was one of radio’s top ten categories.  Advertisers like Burger King, Chipotle, Pei Wei Asian Diner and Smashburger, continually fed radio’s airwaves throughout the year.

Radio reaches diners of all types of food: 90% of adults who eat at any kind of fast food, sit-down or seafood restaurant.  If it’s Italian, Mexican or Chinese/Asian cuisine, radio reaches 91% of adults who have dined in the past month.  With radio consumption even higher among Blacks and Hispanics, the percent reach is even higher against these same restaurant categories — 92% or 93% depending upon the ethnicity of the diner and restaurant type.

Advertisers within this particular category want to know more.  There are studies about radio’s ability to drive sales and return on investment  and increase share in categories much more difficult to measure.  But like a good meal, nothing is more satisfying than seeing the positive results radio can serve up, and there are case studies available on that do just that.

Did you hear that?  The sound of steak sizzling on a hot grill!  You see it, don’t you?


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