
Radio – A Diverse Medium Reaching a
Diverse Audience


Rock, News/Talk, Urban AC, Spanish, Jazz, Gospel, Tejano. These are just some of the formats that run on stations across the country. Radio offers programming that reaches people of different age groups, interests, lifestyle and even language.

Radio listeners are passionate. They engage with their radio stations across all platforms and devices – whether it’s on-air, on a smartphone, via Facebook or twitter. And when it comes to reach and time spent with radio, ethnic audience usage is greater than the general market.

According to Nielsen’s State of Audio Today Q3 2016, the number of weekly national radio listeners has grown in the past five years.  Specifically, the number of Black 12+ listeners has grown from 30.8MM in 2012 to 31.8MM in 2016, and growth among Hispanic 12+ listeners is even greater – 39.0MM in 2012 to 41.3MM in 2016.

When it comes to reach, radio is #1. Radio’s reach is greater than broadcast TV and even smartphones.


Nielsen slide


These diverse audiences also yield a very strong buying power.  According to data compiled by Statista, spending by Blacks and Latinos will increase well above that of the total population.  Consumer spending by Latinos will grow 32% and 23% by Blacks.

Statista Buying Power

As their buying power grows, advertisers will not only need to craft their message to reach these consumers but they will also have to determine the best medium to place that message on.

Radio has the highest reach.  The amount of time Blacks and Hispanics listen to radio is nearly equal – Blacks 13 hours and Hispanics 12 hours and 50 minutes.  The majority of that time is spent listening to radio out of their homes – when they are on their way to school, work and on the go.

If you want a diverse medium to reach a diverse audience, look to the #1 reach medium – radio.


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