There has been a lot of press lately regarding reach. Most recently, an article by Andy Sippel, svp at Advertiser Perceptions, a business intelligence firm serving the global advertising industry, used the phrase regarding reach being the new black. If that is the case, then radio is red hot!
According to the quarterly Nielsen Comparable Metrics reports, radio has the highest percent reach when compared to other media. That sounds impressive but what does that really mean? “Reach is the unduplicated number of individuals or households exposed to an advertising medium at least once during the average week for a reported time period,” according to Nielsen Media Research’s online glossary of terms. Therefore radio, with the highest reach compared to other media options, is consumed by more people than any other medium! If that surprises you, look at the numbers.
Simply stated, more people listen to radio than watch TV, use apps or go onto the internet via their computer. That is truly impressive.
In this same article, Mr. Sippel referenced an ARF study that concluded that drops in sales could be attributed to leaving legacy or traditional media out of the media campaign. It’s no surprise that would be the result when you look at the pure number of people that listen to radio. With its diverse programming across the thousands of stations broadcasting across the country, radio has something for everyone of every age group, lifestyle, political views and more. Through this diversity radio has always been able to provide advertisers with the means to target a specific audience.
So, if reach is the new black, make sure your plan is hot – red hot and includes radio!