
Mom Knows Best, Best to Know Mom


Any way you slice it, U.S. moms are a massive group of passionate and loyal consumers who are decision-makers, multi-taskers, media junkies and have a collective buying power of more than $2.5T.

Not all moms are alike. There are stay-at-home moms, work-from-home moms, working moms, new moms, moms of older children and late bloomer moms, just to name a few. Generally speaking, moms are women who are making purchasing decisions not just for themselves but for the entire household. They are the consummate multi-taskers; they are socially active and aware; they value their time with family and their time alone or with friends; and they are constantly on-the-go.

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The Radio on Main Street Podcast
Featuring WKU Professor, Dick Taylor

In this Radio on Main Street podcast, RAB’s President & CEO Erica Farber, speaks with Dick Taylor, Broadcasting Professor at Western Kentucky University School of Journalism & Broadcasting.  Dick is a passionate educator and speaks about the need to make new generations aware of career opportunities in radio advertising sales and management.

Dick says stations, broadcast associations and educators need to be more proactive – even suggesting introductory radio sales training programs  as early as high school.

The Personality Connection

In case you missed it, read this commentary on youth and radio personalities.  Despite what some may think about youth and their communication via texts, half sentences, pictures and emoji’s, the human voice is still important.  And not just any voice, but the voice of a broadcast radio personality.

If you overheard a conversation and someone was referencing Mike and Patti, Letty B., Tad and Melissa or Ana Alicia, you might think that they were mentioning the names of friends.  Well, you are close. The names listed here are of those that seem like a friend to people on a daily basis – at least to listeners.  These are just some of the names of broadcast radio on-air personalities.

Continue reading “The Personality Connection”

The Radio on Main Street Podcast
Featuring Insights on Hispanic Radio

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, Annette Malave, who leads RAB’s Insights team, reports from the Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference held recently in Fort Lauderdale. Annette was joined by Angelica “Angie”  Balderas, SVP/GM Sacramento at Entravision Communications and Gerardo Martinez, General Manager, Lazer Broadcasting.

In this unique round table conversation, they discuss common challenges for Hispanic radio as well as some of their favorite takeaways from the conference.

Sports Radio Knocks It Out
of the Park for Fans

“There’s nothing like listening to my Red Sox on the radio outdoors or in the car.”

 “I listen to play- by-play more than watch games on TV since I do not have cable anymore.”

 “I enjoy the freedom of listening to the radio for sports programs as it allows me the freedom to be outside working on various projects.”

 “Announcers are funny. Commercials seem less intrusive and I don’t mind the interruption as much.”

These are just a few of the quotes we grabbed from an informal online survey regarding Sports Radio listening habits — sports radio simply works and works hard for those that are passionate about sports.  It’s not just the “big” games, it’s every game.  It’s the conversation, it’s the debate, it’s the voices, it’s the surprise, delight, defeat, and it’s simply the passion for sports that fuels the beast.

Continue reading “Sports Radio Knocks It Out
of the Park for Fans”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring
the Ad Contrarian, Bob Hoffman.

In this episode of the Radio on Main Street Podcast, Erica Farber, President & CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau, speaks with Bob Hoffman, author of the widely popular Ad Contrarian blog which was selected as one of the most influential advertising and marketing blogs by Business Insider.  Bob is a former CEO of several advertising agencies responsible for many national brands.  He is an internationally known speaker and adviser on advertising and is a writer of several successful books including 101 Contrarian Ideas about Advertising.

Bob shares his thoughts about the relationship between marketers and consumers, digital transparency and his perceptions of radio.

Radio On Main Street Podcast Featuring
St. Jude Children’s Hospital
and Country Cares.

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, RAB President and CEO Erica Farber visits the recently held Country Radio Seminar to speak with Scott Hinshelwood, Associate Director of Radio and Jessica Turri, Support Specialist  who are both with ALSAC / St Jude, the fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. This conversation dives into their radio outreach initiative, Country Cares.

St. Jude’s mission to cure kids with cancer brings hope to children and their families around the world who are diagnosed with any of it’s devastating manifestations. Radio plays a big part in supporting that hope.