
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Tim Clarke, Senior Director of Digital
Audience For The Cox Media Group

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Tim Clarke, Senior Director of Digital Audience for the Cox Media Group. Tim oversees digital products, content and audience strategies for all of the Cox Media Group Radio properties.

In this podcast which was recorded at the recent Podcast Movement conference held in Anaheim, California they discuss how podcasting is a new and an exciting opportunity for radio.

Reaching Sports Fans with Radio

Sports fans are amazing!  They will go to an event to watch “their” team play – whether it is 102 degrees or 2 degrees – they are there.  They identify with their teams and according to research on the subject, one professor of psychological and brain sciences was quoted as saying: “A huge part of who they are, where they derive a lot of their positive and negative affect, is from what their team is doing.”

Sports fans are very similar to radio listeners.  Both groups have strong emotional connections with the person or persons they are tuned in to.  So when you combine a sports fan that is also an avid radio listener, it’s a powerful combination.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring 2017 MIW & Marketron Rising Star Award Winner Jeni Grouws

This past week the RAB in partnership with BMI and the MIW (Mentoring and Inspiring Women in Radio) completed the 10th annual Rising Through the Ranks Women in Radio Management and Leadership Program.

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with one of this year’s graduates Jeni Grouws, Station Manager and Morning Show Host for KDEC in Decorah, Iowa. Jeni is also the recipient of the 2017 MIW & Marketron Rising Star Award.

Radio on Main Street Podcast featuring Oscar Rodriguez, President
of the Texas Association of Broadcasters

In this week’s Radio on Main Street podcast, RAB’s Dave Casper talks with Texas Association of Broadcasters President, Oscar Rodriguez.

The TAB just concluded their annual convention in Austin.  Dave talks with Oscar about themes emerging from this year’s convention, the role of state associations in broadcasting and what he sees as some of the key challenges and opportunities facing broadcaster today.

An Important Audio Device

Throughout the course of history there have been numerous audio and portable audio devices that allowed listeners to take their content with them wherever they went.  On July 27, an announcement was made that may have surprised some people – Apple revealed that it was discontinuing the iPod nano and shuffle.  These two products should receive some recognition because they made audio history and forever changed how people take audio with them.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Steve Goldstein, founder of Amplifi
Media, On the Subject of Podcasting

The world of on-demand audio, such as podcasting, is growing rapidly so Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB sat down with one of its biggest champions, Steven Goldstein, founder of Amplifi Media.

Steve is recognized as a thought leader in audio programming, marketing and management and has a track record of success in virtually every major radio format for some of the country’s top broadcasting companies.

Radio speaks to the “Middle Child”

Whether you read ad industry trades, online or print news, there are always articles referencing millennial influences or changes impacting boomers. However, there is very little attention paid to Generation X, which Pew Research referred to as the ‘middle child’ in a 2014 article. Sandwiched between two larger generations, Gen Xers who in 2017 are somewhere between the ages of 38-52, are a much smaller group in size and therefore are often overlooked by marketers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Generation X spends more per household annually than any other generation – approximately $67K which is almost $20K more than what millennials spend. Additionally, they have the highest household income compared to the other generations.

So how do you reach this often over-looked and valuable generation? With broadcast radio — of course.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast
Featuring Dr. Tony Alessandra,
Author and Sales Talent Consultant

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, Jeff Schmidt, SVP of Professional Development at the Radio Advertising Bureau, sits down with author and talent consultant Dr. Tony Alessandra to talk about what makes a great salesperson – Nurture or Nature?

Dr. Alessandra believes that with the right attitude and aptitude, successful salespeople can be nurtured and natural-born salespeople can be directed to greater success. With his simple and effective method companies can learn how to create a rewarding work atmosphere that effectively helps them retain good people.