
Prepping for Political

Today’s blog post is courtesy of Brad Deutsch, owner at Garvey Schubert Barer.

Within the advertising industry there have been many articles written about accountability, transparency and fraud as it pertains to online ads.  Those same concerns have arisen as it pertains to political advertising.

There have been numerous heated headlines about Russian-sponsored online political ads that were posted during the presidential election.   But did you know that Federal law actually explicitly prohibits foreign nationals from directly, or even indirectly, purchasing political ads?

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Andrew Curran, President & COO of
DMR Interactive

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Andrew Curran, President & COO of DMR Interactive. The company focuses on developing performance driven marketing campaigns for broadcasters and in doing so they look at what drives radio consumption.

In this podcast they discuss a key driver of radio’s audience which is employment and that opens up a lot of possibilities for both the content side and the revenue side.

Tech Tunes In On FM Chip

ICYMI – Ask Maggie is a regular column on CNET that answers readers’ wireless and broadband questions. A recent post in Maggie’s advice column informs readers and shares views on the advantages of having an FM chip-enabled smartphone

Throughout the piece, Marguerite Reardon (aka Ask Maggie) comments on the advantages of the devices. She underscores the positive impact and use of having FM radio available during times of disaster – natural or not.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Dr. Tony Alessandra

If finding and keeping qualified sales talent is a challenge for you, you’re not alone.  Author, and talent consultant, Dr. Tony Alessandra says if the people you hire have the right aptitude and the attitude, you can make it work.

Jeff Schmidt, who leads our professional development at the RAB had a chance to talk with Dr. Alessandra to understand how to uncover the right attitude and aptitude.  There are simple and effective ways to find what you’re looking for.


The Radio Advertising Bureau, along with 2,600 attendees made up of senior marketers and their agency and media partners, descended on Orlando last week for the Association of National Advertisers’ annual Masters of Marketing conference.   This annual confab is aptly titled GROWTH each year, and for three full days chief marketing officers from the nation’s largest advertisers deliver meaningful presentations where they share real-time case studies from their brands.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Sharon Tinsley, President of the Alabama Broadcasting Association

Part of the mission at the RAB is help attract new talent to the medium of radio but one of the areas that is the most challenging is attracting people interested in the engineering side of the business.

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, the President and CEO of the RAB sits down with Sharon Tinsley, the President of the Alabama Broadcasting Association. As part of the ABA, they have an engineering Academy that provides technical classes from basic radio and television engineering to advanced radio broadcasting engineering. These programs are specifically designed for those interested in having an understanding of the technical side of the business as well as in-depth training to include such topics as equipment layout, installation, maintenance and much more. And these classes are available to anyone in any part of the country.

Reach Pet Owners with Radio

Have you ever noticed that when you speak to someone who has a pet, they speak of the pet as if it were a child? People are as passionate and emotionally connected with their pets as they are with their human relatives (sometimes even more). They buy only the best for their pets.

It’s no surprise that the 2017 pet industry is estimated at $69.4 billion dollars according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). That figure is comprised of food, supplies/over-the-counter medicine, vets, grooming and boarding, and even live animal purchases.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring
Brad Deutsch and Erwin Krasnow,
Creators of RAB’s Political Advertising Handbook

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, Annette Malave, who leads RAB’s Insights team, speaks with Brad Deutsch and Erwin Krasnow owners with law firm Garvey Schubert and Barer. Brad and Erwin are also the two attorneys that recently updated the Political Advertising Handbook and created the Political FAQ housed on and available to RAB members.

With political advertising now a standard and consistent ad category, it is more important than ever for salespeople in radio to be completely aware of and familiar with political advertising rules. During this podcast, Annette discusses with Brad and Erwin some of the nuances of those political ad rules and share what radio stations and sellers need to know.

Radio – A Medium for All Seasons

With the arrival of Fall, a shift began.  Stores have long been prepped displaying décor for fall holidays and Halloween.  Sadly, it is just a matter of time before holiday ornaments and decorations are available for purchase as well.

Although some of the things that people do may change with the start of new seasons, there are other things that won’t – like listening to the radio.

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