
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Sean Bryan, Co-Chief Creative Officer McCann New York

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Sean Bryan. Sean will be leading the 2018 Mercury Award jury as chief judge for one of radio’s most important events of the year.

In this podcast they discuss the importance of the Mercury Awards, what excites him about the awards and what excites him about radio.

Holidays Start with Radio

Thanksgiving’s arrival marks the start of the holiday season and the sounds of holiday music can be heard on the streets, at retail and on the radio, and that’s in part because holiday music is known to improve one’s mental spirits.  Whether it be the positive memories that arise from hearing many of the classic songs or the simple spirit of the season, holiday music gets us in the celebratory mood.

Approximately 240 AM/FM radio stations across the country flip formats to all-holiday music immediately after Thanksgiving. Some start even earlier and the impact of holiday music listening has numerous positive effects of holiday shopping.

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Jewelry Retailers Shine with Radio

During this time of the year, consumers are thinking about gift ideas for their loved ones.  According to a November survey by Prosper Insights & Analytics™, jewelry is on the top ten list of gifts that will be given this year.  It is also one of the gifts that consumers want to receive – 22% of respondents want jewelry as a gift.

Who are these jewelry gift givers?  According to 2017 GfK/MRI data, adults 18+ who purchased a fine jewelry item as a gift for someone else, 81% listen to AM/FM radio. Among those adults who purchased fine jewelry for themselves, 78% are AM/FM radio listeners.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Louis Jones, EVP, Media & Data Practice at the 4A’s

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Louis Jones, EVP, Media & Data Practice at the 4A’s.  The 4A’s was founded as a national trade association representing advertising agencies.  Today they provide counsel to members on everything from new business development to succession planning to media transparency.

In this podcast they discuss the 4A’s mission, the state of the agency business and one of the most important ingredients for success – relationships.

Reaching the Auto Buyer

The automotive industry is anticipated to see a slight uptick at the end of 2017.  Although October was slightly down, end-of-year incentives should provide a boost to November and December.

However, it’s not just about incentives.  Auto buying intenders are well educated prior to entering any dealerships.  The question is how do you reach them?  And when you do reach them, you need to understand their auto buying and auto servicing preferences as well as their radio listening habits.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Michael O’Shea, President and CEO of Amaturo Sonoma Media Group

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB speaks with Michael O’Shea, President of the Amaturo Sonoma Media Group located in Santa Rosa, California. About a month ago, this area of Northern California was hit by devastating fires that took multiple lives and left thousands and thousands without homes.

In this podcast they discuss what this experience was like for a local broadcaster and the importance of how radio truly matters in meaningful and impactful ways for local communities.

Less Than Three Weeks and Counting

It’s difficult to believe but yes – there are less than three weeks left until Black Friday.  As those weeks dwindle down, consumers are creating their gift-giving lists and planning their shopping strategies.

With this shopping season just around the corner, consumers are estimated to spend 3.4% over 2016 holiday spending.  Based upon survey results released by the National Retail Federation (NRF), the average amount a consumer will spend this year is just shy of $1,000.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Arica McKinnon Director of Client
Solutions, Local Media Analytics
at Nielsen

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Arica McKinnon, Director of Client Solutions, Local Media Analytics at Nielsen. Research is important on many levels. It allows a station the opportunity to learn more about its listeners and it can help to tell a station’s story to an advertiser. Having access to strong local data especially in small or medium markets is not always feasible.

In this podcast they discuss how, Nielsen, through their media analytics division is now providing affordable analytics for local stations and the four key benefits they provide.