
Less Than Three Weeks and Counting

It’s difficult to believe but yes – there are less than three weeks left until Black Friday.  As those weeks dwindle down, consumers are creating their gift-giving lists and planning their shopping strategies.

With this shopping season just around the corner, consumers are estimated to spend 3.4% over 2016 holiday spending.  Based upon survey results released by the National Retail Federation (NRF), the average amount a consumer will spend this year is just shy of $1,000.

Based upon the same NRF survey of over 7,300 consumers, 55% of those surveyed would like to receive clothing and clothing accessories as gifts.  This was the second option behind gift cards and certificates.

As the medium closest to the moment of purchase, radio is set to reach those shoppers.  It’s no wonder, as shoppers of women’s and children’s clothing spend a great amount of their media day with radio.

Looking at data from The Media Audit, National Report 2016-2017, Media Day Analysis, radio has the highest share of the media day against adults eighteen and older who have shopped for women’s or children’s clothing in the past four weeks.

And radio listeners spend a good amount of money on clothing.  According to GfK MRI data, 81% of adults 18+ who spent anywhere from $500-$900 in the past year are AM/FM radio listeners.

While this is an important fact to know as a retailer during this holiday shopping season, there’s also something that should be considered as part of their creative messaging.  AM/FM radio listeners value service where they shop – 73% of radio listeners agree that the service of the personnel at a store is an important part of their decision to shop there.

So during this holiday season, radio should be an important part of the mix when targeting potential shoppers — and touting the incredible service the customer will receive should be a key point in the creative.


We’ll be looking at other gift idea segments over the coming weeks.


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