
Consumer Engagement Is About
Feeling Special

Despite the technologies and platforms available today, many marketers do not believe that their consumer engagement is successful.  In fact, 50% of CMOs believe that their consumer engagement is not very good/terrible.  That is an astounding figure.  Even more surprising is that 75% of CMOs believe their jobs are on the line if their customer experience strategies are unsuccessful, according to a 2018 report from the CMO Council.

Based upon the report, one of the reasons contributing to low engagement levels is inconsistency in delivering personalized engagements across consumer touchpoints.  When it comes to consumer engagement, nothing is more personal or engaging than radio.

While many may consider use of social media as the best way to engage with consumers, it has limitations.  That is why the success of any campaign or marketing effort is dependent upon the strengths and abilities of the platforms used to create a connection.  A 2018 Epsilon study showed that 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it offers a personalized experience.  This shouldn’t come as a surprise.  Connecting is important because people want to feel special.

Radio has always been able to create that connection.  Listeners tune in to radio to hear their favorite personality and hear their favorite music.  Listeners attend radio events because they want to have a first-hand experience with their favorite station.  For years, radio has been speaking to and engaging with listeners — via call-ins, shout-outs, tweets, posts, likes and so on.

Radio has always known the secret to helping marketers create successful campaigns.  It all goes back to being personal and connecting one-on-one, perhaps even more so in this age of technology.  If you need more proof, here it is:  In a NuVoodoo study of over 3,000 respondents, more than half said they would listen to the radio more if they thought they might hear their name or the name of someone they know on-air.   It’s all about feeling special.


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