
Radio Show 2019 – Top Takeaways

Photo Credit: RAB/NAB Radio Show 2019

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

“Radio, Streaming, Podcasting.” During the reimagined 2019 Radio Show, session content touched on all aspects of the audio landscape and delivering insights applicable to all media and advertising professionals.

In session after session, the overarching message was simple. The content broadcast stations deliver to listeners is the core differentiator when compared to other audio sources and how that content is delivered should and will be embraced – regardless of platform or device.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Candice Madsen, Communications and Content Strategy Manager for Bonneville

The youth of America are experiencing depression, anxiety and suicide at alarming rates. With a mission to serve their local communities,  Bonneville has launched a companywide campaign titled, Everyday Strong. Their focus is to help change the dialogue surrounding mental health and to promote positive change.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Candice Madsen, Communications and Content Strategy Manager for Bonneville. She reminds us of the importance and impact of telling personal stories and regardless of your definition of community there is one common thread – people.

Data is the New Bacon

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

In this world, there are always ingredients, products or events that disrupt culture and make an impact. A few years ago, it was bacon. Bacon has moved from the breakfast table to the dinner table and ultimately to desert. It could be found on anything from soups to cupcakes. Similarly, data has found its place everywhere and in anything we do. That is probably why, Amber Hameed, Vice President, Information Systems, Dollar Shave Club referred to data as “the new bacon.” Data can be found anywhere and by anyone.


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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Andrea Clay, National Sales Manager for Beasley Media Group/Charlotte

Growing revenue with new and inventive ideas is a focus at every radio station no matter the size of the market.  One of the ways to increase revenue at the local level has been around for years – it’s called co-op.  While co-op is not a replacement for sales strategy or process, the concept of using co-op dollars to enhance a retailer’s advertising plan is not new, and yet the amount of funds that go unused are staggering and in the billions of dollars.  Just like radio stations have evolved from selling solely on-air inventory, co-op plans have evolved and now cover digital, events, promotions, and traditional advertising.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Andrea Clay, National Sales Manager for Beasley Media Group/Charlotte.  The concept of co-op is being embraced in a big way by the cluster and the results are even bigger!

Looking for Coverage? Radio Can Help

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

What’s the one thing that everyone needs but not many have? It’s also one thing that many adults won’t speak to their loved ones about. Life insurance.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, only 60% of U.S. adults had some form of life insurance and 20% believed that they didn’t have enough. The most common reasons for owning life insurance: cover burial and final expenses, help replaced lost wages of a wage earner and leave some money/inheritance.
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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Julie Koehn, President of Lenawee Broadcasting

Super serving the local community is one of radio’s great strengths and that super service can be demonstrated in multiple ways.  No matter the market size, providing local news, sports and information, public service programing, community activities, and just as important, developing close relationships with local businesses.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Julie Koehn, President of Lenawee Broadcasting. Having served Lenawee County in Adrian, Michigan for many years, Julie and her team not only understand their community, but know what it means to be a good citizen and a successful one at that.

Radio Leads the Charge in the
Audio World

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Today, consumers have a multitude of audio options to choose from — broadcast, satellite, pure-plays and podcasts — across a multitude of devices. In other words, audio has never been hotter.

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Audio World”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring RAB’s SVP of Digital Services,
Dave Casper

One of the hottest topics in audio today is podcasting. There are now more than 700,000 active podcasters and recent research shows that 51% of the U.S. population have listened to a podcast, with 22% of the population listening on a weekly basis.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with RAB’s SVP of Digital Services, Dave Casper. Representing the RAB, Dave recently attended Podcast Movement held in Orlando, Florida. This conference, that began in 2014, now welcomes over 3,000 people in attendance and focuses its content entirely on podcasting.