
Radio – A New Frontier

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Unique. Funny. Innovative. Moving. Inspiring. Game Changing.  Those were just some of the words used by judges to describe the winning spots of the Radio Mercury Awards.

On May 31st, some of the best creative minds across the country gathered at The Cutting Room in NYC to encourage, reward and celebrate great radio commercials at the Radio Mercury Awards ceremony.

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The Passion of a Radio Broadcaster

Author:  Erica Farber, President and CEO, RAB

Last week, radio lost one of our great medium’s most passionate heroes – Joseph (Joe) Bilotta.

Joe spent 40+ years in the radio business with the majority of them as Buckley Broadcasting’s CEO, overseeing legendary radio stations like WOR-AM in New York and WDRC-AM/FM in Hartford.   As a radio broadcaster, Joe considered himself a very lucky man and as professionals in the radio industry, we all consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have had Joe as an advocate, mentor, challenger, supporter and friend. Continue reading “The Passion of a Radio Broadcaster”

It’s About the Connection

Photo courtesy of Tammy Greenberg

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

On May 29, Starbucks closed over 8,000 company-owned stores for anti-bias training.  This closing was prompted by a racial-bias incident which took place in April.  Since that time we have all watched Starbucks working hard to protect its brand and maintain the strong connection they have with their consumers as a “third destination between home and work.” This connection is the very essence of their business model according to their website: “We make sure everything we do honors that connection – from our commitment to the highest quality coffee in the world, to the way we engage with our customers and communities to do business responsibly.”

Using videos as the training platform, Starbucks employees (or “partners”) heard from Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz and board member Mellody Hobson.  Also on the agenda was Common, a well-known hip-hop artist, actor and activist — underscoring the value that a respected personality/celebrity from the community brings.

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Memorial Day – A Day for Remembering

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

On Memorial Day, we remember and honor the many American soldiers who have fought and died for our country.  In fact, did you know that the National Moment of Remembrance Act, passed in 2000, encourages all Americans to pause for a moment of silence at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day?

Also on this day, radio stations across the country will remember and recognize those, and the families of those, who have served this country.  There will be dedications and acknowledgments from local radio station personalities and shout-outs from listeners.

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Consumer Engagement Is About
Feeling Special

Despite the technologies and platforms available today, many marketers do not believe that their consumer engagement is successful.  In fact, 50% of CMOs believe that their consumer engagement is not very good/terrible.  That is an astounding figure.  Even more surprising is that 75% of CMOs believe their jobs are on the line if their customer experience strategies are unsuccessful, according to a 2018 report from the CMO Council.

Based upon the report, one of the reasons contributing to low engagement levels is inconsistency in delivering personalized engagements across consumer touchpoints.  When it comes to consumer engagement, nothing is more personal or engaging than radio.

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Feeling Special”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand and New York Times Bestselling Author

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand and New York Times bestselling author. His latest book entitled Building a Story Brand stresses the importance of clarifying messages so customers will listen, reinforcing the message that the words we use matter.

In the podcast they discuss how storytelling will transform the way we talk about our brands and the unique value we bring to our advertising partners.

Podcast Listeners Equal Bigger Spenders

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

The audio landscape continues its evolution — driven by the growth of various content options available.  Specifically, the world of podcasts is increasing by leaps and bounds.  In 2018, 124 million people have ever listened to a podcast according to The Infinite Dial 2018.  In 2015, that figure was only 89 million!

Podcasting growth can be attributed to the increase and diversity of audio content.  While radio has always had content available on demand, there are now personalities, radio stations, etc., that are creating content just for podcasts.  These podcasts are giving marketers new and creative ways to reach their intended target audience.

With millions of people listening to all of this content, what do we actually know about podcast listeners and their spending habits?

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