
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Kip Cassino, Executive Vice President of Borrell Associates.

Election day 2018 is about eight weeks away and while it is not a presidential election there are many state and local races that will be decided.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Kip Cassino, Executive Vice President of Borrell Associates. Borrell Associates recently updated their forecast for political media spending by media choice with their forecast for radio showing modest growth from their original April forecast.

With less than one-third of the 8.9 billion of political dollars yet to be spent this year, Kip shares his advice as to how radio can compete for a larger share of the available dollars and how important it is for radio to make the case that radio is local.

Local Radio Reigns Supreme

Earlier this month, the Los Angeles Times reported on the shuttering of a chain of Eastside community newspapers. One article even went so far as to say, “Local and regional newspapers that serve Southern California are going through tough times, leading some to question whether traditional newspapers can survive.” Radio has always been there – now it is even more valuable! The importance of local radio to the local community can’t be understated.

The challenge for local Newspapers has been how to sustain a newsroom and make a profit when print advertising is fleeing to lower-cost space on the Internet.  Most digital ads are concentrated on Facebook and Google, not newspaper websites. These two Internet giants take in 60 percent of online ad revenues.

Radio was shown as the most trusted platform used after the impact of hearing about “fake news” in political coverage.  See below for the Kantar “Trust in News” study where it was revealed ‘mainstream news media’s’ reputation remained largely intact while social media and digital-only news platforms sustained major reputation damage. In addition, Facebook and other digital platforms are not designed to promote civic connection, but rather communities of interest often unmoored from particular geographies.

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Digital Integration Pays Big Dividends For Radio

Author: Dave Casper, RAB/SVP Digital

“Digital has been integrated into all facets of broadcast radio’s offering both in programming and sales, and the results are definitely paying off,” stated Erica Farber, President and CEO, RAB.  “As radio continues to provide integrated marketing solutions to its advertisers we expect to see continued growth.”

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Radio: Consumers’ Weekly Leader

2018 is now in full swing, and with so many retrospective articles across publications it is also a great time to take a new look at media comparisons. 2017 seemed to be the year for digital and social media as seen in so many articles.

However, figures in other research publications and newsletters painted a very different image.

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2017 – It’s Been An Incredible Year

It’s incredible to believe that 2017 is coming to a close.  The year just seemed to fly by.

There were so many events that took place around the world this past year and many of these events left a mark in the world of pop culture.  Similar to events that shaped pop culture, there were events that shaped and influenced how radio is perceived. Continue reading “2017 – It’s Been An Incredible Year”

Radio Does Drive Search

The majority of shoppers today search before purchasing any product. They look for product information, compare prices and brands. Does radio, as an advertising medium, drive that search or influence online behavior? That question is often posed to us at the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) by advertisers, agencies and our members.

Radio is the top reach medium – reaching consumers everywhere they go and throughout their day. It delivers a strong return on investment. When radio is part of a media-mixed campaign, it improves brand awareness – it’s the quintessential complementary medium. And yes, now we have quantifiable proof that Radio Does Drive Search!

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An Important Audio Device

Throughout the course of history there have been numerous audio and portable audio devices that allowed listeners to take their content with them wherever they went.  On July 27, an announcement was made that may have surprised some people – Apple revealed that it was discontinuing the iPod nano and shuffle.  These two products should receive some recognition because they made audio history and forever changed how people take audio with them.

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Over-the-Air Radio Dominates —
Complemented by Streams

It doesn’t matter what state or city you are in or even the street you are on, smartphones are everywhere.  Smartphones have become an item that you can’t be without.  Think of the last time you forgot your phone.  Did you get that sick and almost lost feeling, like you were disconnected from everything?  It’s even harder when you live in a city where you commute using public transportation?  You have no choice but to read the signage on the bus or trains and even worse, look at people!!  Yikes.

OK, well maybe that’s a bit extreme, but I’m certain that brought at least a chuckle!  The point is that the smartphone doesn’t replace everything in a consumer’s life, but it does complement it.  Similarly, streaming or online radio complements broadcast radio.

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Complemented by Streams”

Radio. No Secrets Here.

During the recent Association of National Advertisers’ (ANA) 2017 Media Conference, Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer at P & G, challenged CMOs to demand transparency from their digital media partners by eliminating ad fraud and making sure that the ad purchased actually reaches the intended  consumer.  Little to no audited proof of ad delivery should be considered unacceptable.

Continue reading “Radio. No Secrets Here.”

Radio’s Digital Growth Drives
Local Market Business

The line that separates media and marketing is blurring as advertisers continue to reach their target audiences across devices and platforms.  While some media are struggling to find ways to best serve advertisers in their quest, radio is providing them with alternative solutions. Continue reading “Radio’s Digital Growth Drives
Local Market Business”