
Resolutions and Reflections

Authors: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB & Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Happy New Year!  It’s hard to believe that another year has gone by.   Right now all of us are working toward our resolutions for 2019 — both personal and professional — as well as remembering the numerous highlights of 2018.

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Buying Attitudes of Radio Listeners
and Streamers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Holiday shopping is in full swing.  According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), over 165 million consumers shopped online from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday.  When it comes to spending, 77% of consumers will spend the same or more this year than last, based on another NRF survey.

With all this news about shopping, we thought it might be interesting to look at the overall buying habits and attitudes of AM/FM radio and streaming listeners.

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and Streamers”

Radio Drives Auto Search

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Consumers today, specifically auto-buying intenders, shop differently.  Reasons for differences in their shopping behavior are due to age, brand awareness and ad influence.  Thanks to data collection via technology, there are now ways to quantify the impact of advertising and more importantly, the specific impact that can be attributed directly to radio.

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Top 10 Radio Show Takeaways

Photo Credit: RAB/NAB Radio Show 2018

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During the 2018 Radio Show, the overarching theme was about data – demystifying it, understanding where to get and how to use it as well as the opportunities it can create.

In addition, throughout the Radio Show, there was a secondary message: Radio is a strong and nimble medium that continues to evolve, to not only meet but exceed the demands and expectations of its listeners and advertising partners.

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5 Facts and Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Over 247 million.  That’s a great number.  It’s the number of people that listen to radio every week.  It is the top reach medium – touching more people every week than any other medium or device.  This is something that we in the radio industry know.

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Radio Delivers Experiences

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Of all generations, millennials have had the greatest influence on the advertising and marketing world.  Their views and opinions and how they communicate amongst each other shifted how advertiser brands engage with them. According to an early study conducted by Harris and Eventbrite, millennials would choose to spend money on experiences versus things and the greater majority had participated in live events in the past year – like concerts, festivals, themed sports, etc.

While millennials, as a target audience, may have been a catalyst to the growth of event/experiential, it is now an important component of many brands’ marketing campaigns – regardless of age groups.  Marketers will spend nearly 21% of their overall budgets on event/experiential in 2018 compared to 19% in 2017, according to a 2018 report by Event Marketer.

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Auto Disclaimers Help Drive Purchase Intent

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

One of radio’s biggest creative challenges has been the disclaimers that are mandatory for commercials of specific ad categories.  The long list of rates, money down, and other qualifiers once considered audio noise contained within auto ads may in fact be influential for those consumers who are in the market to purchase/lease a vehicle.  Based upon a recent analysis of auto dealer ads, these along with additional findings can be a game changer for increased revenue opportunities for radio.

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Podcast Listeners Equal Bigger Spenders

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

The audio landscape continues its evolution — driven by the growth of various content options available.  Specifically, the world of podcasts is increasing by leaps and bounds.  In 2018, 124 million people have ever listened to a podcast according to The Infinite Dial 2018.  In 2015, that figure was only 89 million!

Podcasting growth can be attributed to the increase and diversity of audio content.  While radio has always had content available on demand, there are now personalities, radio stations, etc., that are creating content just for podcasts.  These podcasts are giving marketers new and creative ways to reach their intended target audience.

With millions of people listening to all of this content, what do we actually know about podcast listeners and their spending habits?

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Radio’s Employed Audience: A True Competitive Advantage

Author: Andrew Curran, President and COO, DMR/Interactive

BIA Advisory Services reports that in 2017, revenue for AM/FM radio  “experienced a 0.2% drop from 2016 to end the year at $13.87 billion.”

This lackluster performance took place as consumer confidence was the highest it had been since 2000 and unemployment was its lowest, helping fuel a stock market boom.

Compounding the issue, BIA lists radio as the 5th most significant local advertising platform, behind direct mail, television, newspapers and mobile.

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Radio speaks to the “Middle Child”

Whether you read ad industry trades, online or print news, there are always articles referencing millennial influences or changes impacting boomers. However, there is very little attention paid to Generation X, which Pew Research referred to as the ‘middle child’ in a 2014 article. Sandwiched between two larger generations, Gen Xers who in 2017 are somewhere between the ages of 38-52, are a much smaller group in size and therefore are often overlooked by marketers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Generation X spends more per household annually than any other generation – approximately $67K which is almost $20K more than what millennials spend. Additionally, they have the highest household income compared to the other generations.

So how do you reach this often over-looked and valuable generation? With broadcast radio — of course.

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There’s Something for Every Ear

“I’m a purple person.”  “I prefer basic black.”  “I like to wear bold colors.”  People have distinctive tastes and preferences when it comes to clothing or accessories.  These preferences are personal, similar to that of radio listening, and similarly, music choice.

A researcher at Heriot-Watt University in the U.K. studied over 36,000 participants’ ratings of 104 music styles and found a direct correlation to their personalities.  The study showed that heavy metal music fans are normally calm and comfortable around others, while classical music lovers are often shy and creative.  Hard-working and outgoing would be words to describe pop and country music listeners.   The relationship between radio and the listener has always been an emotional one but what they listen to is not just personal, it is an extension of who they are.

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Mom Knows Best, Best to Know Mom


Any way you slice it, U.S. moms are a massive group of passionate and loyal consumers who are decision-makers, multi-taskers, media junkies and have a collective buying power of more than $2.5T.

Not all moms are alike. There are stay-at-home moms, work-from-home moms, working moms, new moms, moms of older children and late bloomer moms, just to name a few. Generally speaking, moms are women who are making purchasing decisions not just for themselves but for the entire household. They are the consummate multi-taskers; they are socially active and aware; they value their time with family and their time alone or with friends; and they are constantly on-the-go.

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Radio + Smartphone = Constant

According to Statista, there will be well over 220 million smartphone users by the end of 2017.  These users will engage with radio in various ways – texting, downloading or just listening in.

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If Reach is the New Black, Then
Radio is Red Hot!

There has been a lot of press lately regarding reach.  Most recently, an article by Andy Sippel, svp at Advertiser Perceptions, a business intelligence firm serving the global advertising industry, used the phrase regarding reach being the new black.  If that is the case, then radio is red hot! Continue reading “If Reach is the New Black, Then
Radio is Red Hot!”

Brand Sales After the BIG Event

An average of 111.3 million people watched Super Bowl LI on network TV and there were 190.8 million social media interactions, according to Nielsen.  The average cost to advertise was $5 million for a 30–second spot.  That’s a particularly high cost – especially when the impact of Super Bowl ads to influence brand purchase is minimal.

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Watches, Bracelets and Rings – Oh My!

Jewelry on window display

You’ve all heard about radio’s incredible reach and its ability to create relevant imagery in a person’s mind.  Did you know that radio is great at selling shiny new objects, too?  Yes, it can help to sell watches, earrings, bracelets and rings – oh my! According to National, the holiday sales are off to a strong start.

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