
Use Radio for Office and BTS Supplies

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

Pens, pencils, paper, staplers, sticky notes… Even more expensive things like computers, printers and office chairs. These days, it’s practically impossible to run a modern office without such items. Whether you work from home or work at a business office, supplies get used daily, and while e-commerce retailers are fierce, office supply retailers have a need to reach consumers in their areas.

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2022 – The Year of Local

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses. Retailers. Restaurants. Community. There has been incredible focus on everything local as consumers looked around and realized the role and impact local has in their lives. After all, it is great to travel, but “there’s no place like home.”

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Radio and That ‘Just Right’ Feeling

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

“Ahhhh, this chair is just right.” Goldilocks knew exactly what was comfortable to her. How many of us have understood that statement whenever we looked at, sat in or laid on a piece of furniture or bedding?

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The Three Holidays of America Under Inflation

Contributors: Maxine Gurevich, SVP/Cultural Intelligence and Steve Grant, SVP/Human Intelligence, Horizon Media

While the National Retail Federation reports that the 2021 holiday sales grew 14.1% from 2020 to $887B, inflation’s historic high will mean a different shopping season for 2022. Our data shows that 69% of all people are concerned or very concerned with inflation’s effect on their overall finances. But like much in the contemporary U.S. landscape, inequality and division are affecting the holiday retail season – people are experiencing three entirely different holidays depending on psychological reactions to inflation.

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Use Radio to Gain the Attention of Back-to-School Shoppers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It is summer! It’s the time of year for backyard parties, days at the beach and back-to-school shopping. While it may be hard to believe, families are already planning their strategy for purchasing all their children’s back-to-school (BTS) and back-to-college (BTC) needs.

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Radio Reaches an Underserved and Wealthy Consumer Group

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

When it comes to consumer groups, most businesses focus on reaching millennials or the upcoming Generation Z. While these groups may be seen as influencers as well as future retail and services consumers, businesses may be missing an affluent and powerful consumer group – baby boomers.

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How Partnerships with Radio Can Change Kid’s Health

Contributor: Fleur Voruz, Senior Director, Programs (Media), Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

No one ever expects to need a children’s hospital, yet every day, thousands of kids enter a children’s hospital, many of them fighting for their lives.

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Radio Reaches Pet Parents

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Throughout 2020, Americans across the country developed new pastimes. Some became DIYers, chefs, linguists, hikers and more. Others added to their household and became pet parents.

As people found themselves having to shelter in place, many decided to take the opportunity to add to their household by bringing in furry, feathered or aquatic companions. According to VitusVet data published by the American Veterinary Medical Association, the average new pets and pet owners per practice per week spiked by July 2020 – the highest since July 2018.

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“School’s Out For Summer”

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

“School’s out forever!”  Who doesn’t love that song by Alice Cooper.  No matter the generation, it’s a lyric everyone knows. We know it’s July but guess what?  School isn’t really out forever.  August is National Back-to-School month.

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Why Teens Matter, Part Two: Targeting Tomorrow’s Money Demo

Contributors:  Larry Rosin, Co-founder & President, Edison Research;  Megan Lazovick, Vice President, Edison Research;  Laura Ivey, Director of Research, Edison Research

We last left you with the findings from the latest study commissioned by the Country Radio Broadcasters in recognition of the 50th Country Radio Seminar, Understanding Parents, Teens, and Country Music. To refresh your memory, the study focuses on the nature of relationships between teens and their parents, how they bond over music, and how each one influences the other.

How can radio stations, advertisers, and agencies attract and engage with tomorrow’s “money demo?” Continue reading “Why Teens Matter, Part Two: Targeting Tomorrow’s Money Demo”

Why Teens Matter, Part One: Understanding Teens’ Influence

Contributors:  Larry Rosin, Co-founder & President, Edison Research;  Megan Lazovick, Vice President, Edison Research;  Laura Ivey, Director of Research, Edison Research

We will hazard a guess right now that you, the reader of this article, are not a teenager. So we at Edison Research will tell you exactly what we think of teenagers: They are important. They are especially important to radio and to the businesses that want to reach them, and we have new research to tell us why.

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Radio speaks to the “Middle Child”

Whether you read ad industry trades, online or print news, there are always articles referencing millennial influences or changes impacting boomers. However, there is very little attention paid to Generation X, which Pew Research referred to as the ‘middle child’ in a 2014 article. Sandwiched between two larger generations, Gen Xers who in 2017 are somewhere between the ages of 38-52, are a much smaller group in size and therefore are often overlooked by marketers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Generation X spends more per household annually than any other generation – approximately $67K which is almost $20K more than what millennials spend. Additionally, they have the highest household income compared to the other generations.

So how do you reach this often over-looked and valuable generation? With broadcast radio — of course.

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Attention Back-to-School Shoppers

It’s time to get ready and get shopping for Back-to-School (B2S).  If you think it’s too early to reach those consumers, think again.  According to Deloitte’s 2017 Back-to-School survey, 71% of B2S shopping occurs during an eight-week period – July through August.

As the medium used closest to the moment of purchase, radio can help influence where they can get the best deals.  According to this same Deloitte survey, consumers are shifting from shopping at larger department stores and specialty channels to mass merchants and off-price venues.   Additionally, 20% of the respondents had not yet decided if they would shop in-store or online and “might be persuaded by targeted promotional efforts.”

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