
2024 – A Look Back

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

During this time of year, we all try to find some time to take a breath and look back at the events of the year. Some will make you laugh, while others may make you cry.

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How Talent “Ambassadors” Facilitate Charitable Initiatives and Sponsorships

Digging Into Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals’ Partnerships with Stations, Local Children’s Hospitals, and Businesses

Contributor: Fred Jacobs, President and Founder, Jacobs Media Strategies

For more than four decades, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has been focused on raising money for local children’s hospitals in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Broadcast radio has played an integral role in these fundraising efforts, as stations in hundreds of communities have showcased their local impact and influence through partnerships with children’s hospitals and area advertisers. With the mission to change kids’ health, CMN Hospitals has helped raise more than $9 billion for 170 children’s hospitals.

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Radio is the Perfect Partner

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Partnerships are important. Ask anyone who is trying to grow their business, and they will admit that along with their own hard work, the partnerships and relationships they build with both consumers and other businesses has helped their own growth and impact.

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Radio’s Impact: Championing Children’s Health and Building Transformative Business Partnerships

Contributor: Fleur Voruz, Senior Director/Media, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Through purposeful partnerships, radio stations uniquely position themselves as champions by raising funds and awareness for critical needs in their local communities. These collaborations not only elevate positive listener sentiment, but they also drive employee engagement and business value for the radio station and its sponsors.

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Be a Marketing Resource for Your Advertisers: Here’s How

Contributor: Bo Bandy, GM Digital & SVP Marketing, Marketron

Building relationships with your clients starts and ends with earning their trust. Being transparent, asking the right questions and sharing informed recommendations can make you a valuable resource. Over time you become an ally because the connection is much more than transactional. 

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Radio Digital Sales Surge 33%: Debriefing the RAB-Borrell Annual Benchmarking Report

Todd Kalman, senior vice president of sales at Marketron

Now in its 10th year, the RAB-Borrell Digital Benchmark report is a must-read for the radio industry. As broadcasters seek to increase revenue and diversify offerings, digital advertising is a critical part of this. In 2021, the world faced year two of the pandemic and its impact. The findings of this year’s report show there are reasons for optimism.

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How Partnerships with Radio Can Change Kid’s Health

Contributor: Fleur Voruz, Senior Director, Programs (Media), Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

No one ever expects to need a children’s hospital, yet every day, thousands of kids enter a children’s hospital, many of them fighting for their lives.

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