
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring the United States Tennis Association’s Brad Epstein in Conversation with RAB’s Erica Farber

Each year, the RAB Business Development team, led by Tammy Greenberg, attends the ANA Masters of Marketing Conference, a four-day conference that brings together brand marketers from large and small companies allowing them to tap into best practices, case studies and insights while also learning about the latest consumer trends from leading marketing and advertising executives. The conference showcases creative thinking and strategies from some of the world’s top CMOs and leading brands on what they have implemented to meet customer needs, drive growth and inspire change.

The third episode of conversations with ANA’s Marketing Masters is available now in the Radio on Main Street. In this podcast, we hear the conversation between Erica Farber and Brad Epstein, Senior Manager, Consumer Marketing and Activations, with the USTA, the United States Tennis Association. Brad shares how important it is to understand people’s habits to connect with them in a meaningful way and radio’s unique ability for connecting with the passions of our listeners.

Click here for all episodes from Season 2: NAB Show

Catch up on episodes from Season 1: ANA Masters of Marketing

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring RAB’s Erica Farber and MKHSTRY’s Jeff Charney in His FIRST Podcast Ever

Radio on Main Street was on site for four days at the ANA Masters of Marketing Conference where creative thinking and innovative strategies that inspire change and drive growth were shared by some of the world’s top CMOs and leading brands.

Over the next several weeks, we invite you to tune in to a special edition Radio on Main Street podcast series as Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB, speaks with “Masters of Marketing” and dives into their marketing goals, the issues they’re most focused on and of course, their thoughts about radio. 

Though the conference took place in October, we consciously held back until after the winter holidays and the hoopla of the Super Bowl subsided to give you the chance to soak in the substance of the conversations.  

Speaking of disruptive substance… this inaugural episode kicks off with the always provocative and brilliant Jeff Charney, Founder and Chief Creative Officer of MKHSTRY, an invite-only nationwide marketing collective that drives historic business transformation. As you might know, Jeff was the former CMO of Progressive Insurance and Aflac and started MKHSTRY in April of 2022.  A believer in the scarcity model, this is Jeff’s FIRST and ONLY podcast (up to this point) so listen up, because it might not happen again for a while.

Click here for all episodes from Season 2: NAB Show

Catch up on episodes from Season 1: ANA Masters of Marketing

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Three of Radio’s Top Leaders with Insights on Managing Through Change

The one thing we all have in common, no matter what our job title is, what market we work in or who we work for –  we all experience change. How we deal with change can determine our success.

In this episode of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau speaks with industry leaders Hartley Atkins, Jonathan Brewster and Susan Larkin about the fine art of managing through change.

BONUS – Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring More From Our Panel of Research Experts

The responses from our panel of research experts was so good we just had to probe further!

In this bonus episode of Radio on Main Street Erica Farber, President and CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau, posed one last question – “Under the current circumstances, what type of impact do you think research and measurement surveys will have moving forward?”

We think you’ll agree, the answers are well worth a listen.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Research Experts From Research Companies and Broadcasting

There has been a lot interest in understanding how peoples’ behavior has changed during these unusual times.  With shelter in place orders due to COVID-19 and just thinking about our own behavior, are we consuming more media? Have our buying habits changed?  As we communicate with our advertisers, being able to answer these types of questions about our radio listeners behavior is more important than ever.

In this episode, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau, speaks with experts from research companies and research experts at broadcast companies to find out – “How do we make sense of the new research information we are discovering?”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Erica Farber’s Conversations with Radio Personalities About Their Role as Influencers

Listeners have a personal connection with Radio’s influencers – the on-air talent.  They have a personal connection with their favorite station because of their favorite radio personalities and during this very challenging time, the connections between the on-air personalities and their listeners have never been greater.

In this episode, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau, speaks with several on-air personalities across the country to ask them about the connections they have with their audiences and why those connections can be so important to advertisers. Even though these conversations were recorded before the Covid-19 crisis, we thought the content was so appropriate for what everyone is dealing with today that we wanted to share it with you.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Carl Goldman, Owner of KHTS and a Recent Victim of COVID-19

Carl Goldman and his wife Jeri are the owners of KHTS AM 1220 & FM 98.1, the Santa Clarita, California hometown radio stations.

Some of you may know Carl through the business but many of you know Carl because he has become one of the most visible individuals directly affected with Coronavirus, Covid- 19.

In this “Special Edition”, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB, visits with Carl to find out more about his recent experience. As this pandemic has affected all of us in some way, we were relieved to know that Carl is back home, and most importantly, with a clean bill of health.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring RAB Senior Leadership Staff with their Topics of Focus for 2020

As Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB, was preparing for the last podcast of the year, she began thinking about specific areas of personal focus on for the new year.

She posed this topic to our senior leadership team at the RAB and, in this podcast, she shares their thoughts with you.

Radio on Main Street Podcast – Back by Popular Demand – Steve Passwaiter

This week we are bringing back one of the best of the year podcasts. With the election season heating up we didn’t want you to miss this one.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Steve Passwaiter, VP & GM at Kantar Media/CMAG where he has oversight of the Political Ad Intelligence unit.

Political messages are looking to make connections with those “narrow slices of persuadables” in the most efficient manner possible. Radio has a strong case to make but our marching orders are clear that we need more “feet on the street”.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Robin Fitzgerald, CCO for BBDO Atlanta and recently named 2020 Chief Judge for the Mercury Awards

Thursday, June 4, 2020 is one of Radio’s most important events of the year.  It’s the annual Mercury Awards, the only competition exclusively devoted to radio to encourage and reward the development of effective and creative radio commercials.

In this edition Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB speaks with Robin Fitzgerald, Chief Creative Officer BBDO Atlanta and recently named 2020 Chief Judge for the Mercury Awards.  She shares her thoughts on why these awards are so meaningful, how you know when Radio advertising is done right and leading the charge for 2020.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Dave Greene, one of the GSMs for Entercom in St. Louis

The job of a General Sales Manager continues to change.  With revenue growth and revenue enhancement at the top of the list of responsibilities, today’s GSM must equally stay focused on managing for change while coaching and leading their teams in new and different ways.

Erica Farber is the President & CEO of the RAB and in this edition she speaks with David Greene, one of the General Sales Managers for Entercom in St. Louis.

Whether it be leading integrated campaign development that can be executed across multiple platforms or coming up with creative and actionable sales solutions, it is about maintaining a positive outlook and having a clear understanding of how success will be measured.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Dan Price, President of Oink Ink Radio

It is no secret – audio is hot!  And the need for great, effective radio commercials is even hotter.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Dan Price, President of Oink Ink Radio, a creative radio services company. Busier than ever and  with 27 years under their belt, they continue to focus on producing attention-getting radio advertising that secures and maintains the listener’s interest and ends with rewarding them for their time.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Mark Maben, General Manager of WSOU 89.5 at Seton Hall University

Gen Z refers to the generation of individuals born between 1996 and 2010. Representing over 25% of the U.S. population, this is a generation raised entirely on the internet and social media. They are beginning to enter the workforce and they are a desired demographic as consumers of our products and services.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB speaks with Mark Maben, General Manager of WSOU 89.5 in South Orange, NJ. Owned by Seton Hall University and operating for 71 years, this non-commercial station is managed by a team of nine students who report into Mark and is staffed with an additional 120 students from the university. This year Seton Hall University had a record number of students attend the Radio Show as part of the Student Scholar Program and, just as important, they are seeing an increased level of interest from the students in the overall audio space.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Megan Lazovick at the 2019 Radio Show, Vice President at Edison Research

Consumers today have numerous content and entertainment options.  Radio still plays a key role as one of these options, so it is important that radio keeps listeners engaged and tuned in – for as long as possible.

In this edition, Annette Malave, SVP Insights at the RAB speaks with Megan Lazovick, Vice President at Edison Research where she crafts custom research for thought leadership and content marketing and specializes in the creative presentation of data and insights. During this podcast, they discuss the findings of “The Secret to Longer TSL” – a study released during Radio Show 2019 – and Lazovick shares some advice on what radio should do to not only keep listeners tuned in but keep them tuned in longer.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring The Podcast Revolution Panel at the 2019 Radio Show

Podcasting – it’s a term we are all familiar with because we hear a lot about it in the media landscape today. Podcasting is such a growing form of audience engagement and right now there are over 800,000 podcasts being produced and published.

In this edition, Jeff Schmidt who leads professional development at the RAB, speaks with the panelists who appeared on the Podcast Revolution session at this year’s Radio Show in Dallas.  The relationship between broadcasting and podcasting is inseparable.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Jose Villa, Founder and President/Chief Strategy Officer of Sensis

Generation Z. Born after 1995 and unaware of a world without the internet or mobile devices, this generation now makes up over one quarter of the U.S. population. Their unique views on culture, brands, language and purchase behavior are vastly different from their older cohorts – millennials.

In this edition, Annette Malave, SVP Insights at the RAB speaks with Jose Villa, founder and President/ Chief Strategy Officer of Sensis – a cross-cultural marketing agency with digital at its core. Specifically, they discuss findings from a new study on this cross-cultural group – “We are Gen Z”, their perspective on everything from culture to food and what it all means to advertisers, radio and potential employers.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Ed Levine, President/CEO of Galaxy Media Partners

As discussed in last week’s podcast the opening session of the first full day of this year’s Radio Show was titled, “You’re Not Just in the Radio Business” and it centered around stories told by innovators who’ve made the transformation.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Ed Levine, President/CEO of Galaxy Media Partners. Galaxy is one of the premiere privately owned independent media groups based in Central New York. Ed was one of the innovators that participated in this important session and believes strongly in the importance of being optimistic and taking risks.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring John Zimmer, President of Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group

The opening session of the first full day of this year’s Radio Show was titled, “You’re Not Just in the Radio Business” and it centered around stories told by innovators who’ve made the transformation.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with 2019 Radio Show Steering Committee Chair and President of Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group, John Zimmer. John was one of the innovators that shared his thoughts during this important session and Erica was able to catch up with him right after that.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Candice Madsen, Communications and Content Strategy Manager for Bonneville

The youth of America are experiencing depression, anxiety and suicide at alarming rates. With a mission to serve their local communities,  Bonneville has launched a companywide campaign titled, Everyday Strong. Their focus is to help change the dialogue surrounding mental health and to promote positive change.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Candice Madsen, Communications and Content Strategy Manager for Bonneville. She reminds us of the importance and impact of telling personal stories and regardless of your definition of community there is one common thread – people.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Andrea Clay, National Sales Manager for Beasley Media Group/Charlotte

Growing revenue with new and inventive ideas is a focus at every radio station no matter the size of the market.  One of the ways to increase revenue at the local level has been around for years – it’s called co-op.  While co-op is not a replacement for sales strategy or process, the concept of using co-op dollars to enhance a retailer’s advertising plan is not new, and yet the amount of funds that go unused are staggering and in the billions of dollars.  Just like radio stations have evolved from selling solely on-air inventory, co-op plans have evolved and now cover digital, events, promotions, and traditional advertising.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Andrea Clay, National Sales Manager for Beasley Media Group/Charlotte.  The concept of co-op is being embraced in a big way by the cluster and the results are even bigger!