
Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Danny V, Producer of the BJ & Migs Show on Seattle’s KISW

One of radio’s greatest assets are the tremendously talented on-air personalities. And behind some of the greatest personalities and shows on the air today is someone with the title of producer.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Danny V,  the producer of the wildly successful BJ & Migs show heard every morning 6 to 10AM on KISW in Seattle. Danny V shares his philosophy on why it’s important to have a strong producer. The value they bring to act as a filter and subjectively provide content suggestions allows our hosts and talent to do what they do best – perform.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Tony Gray, President and CEO of Gray Communications

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Tony Gray, President and CEO of Gray Communications.   Tony is one of the longest tenured urban radio programming consultants and provides stations with personal consultation, research evaluations and market analysis as well as talent recruitment.

His single piece of advice to the industry is to never compromise the product.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Tom Webster, Senior VP for Edison Research

Smart speakers are quickly becoming commonplace in the homes. In fact, a recently released study by Edison Research done in partnership with NPR stated 18% of all Americans 18+ own a smart speaker. These audio playback devices feature voice activated digital tasks and can operate as home automation hubs. Serving as a central information source for users, these devices are most importantly providing easy access to listen to one’s favorite radio station.

Erica Farber is the President & CEO of the RAB and in this edition she speaks with Tom Webster, Senior VP for Edison Research. They discuss some interesting findings from the study covering such topics as ownership and usage data, media behavior interests and activities, and purchasing and advertising attitudes of smart speaker owners.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Dan Vallie, President of the National Radio Talent System.

A common concern expressed by broadcasters in all size markets is the need to attract the next generation of broadcasters. An idea that first began at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina was an incubator created for well-rounded and well-educated college talent with a passion, determination and an interest to begin a career in Radio.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Dan Vallie, President of the National Radio Talent System and founder of Vallie, Richards, Donovan Consulting.

With a strong background in radio programming, Dan is the man behind the only program of its kind created to answer the long-discussed issue of a radio talent farm for the industry. Now presented in over eight colleges and universities across the country, these 10-day intensive summer programs bring in broadcast professionals representing all aspects of the radio industry to act as guest professional facility to teach all the sessions to the students accepted in the program. And the best part is 70% of the students that have gone through the program have received their first job in radio or related fields.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Don Anthony, Owner of Talentmasters and Producer/Host of the Annual Morning Show and Talk Show Boot Camps

One of radio’s greatest assets is its on-air talent. Radio talent have a personal connection unlike any other. 56% of listeners state that personalities are the reason they tune in to listen to radio. And to an advertiser that is so important because listeners are not only tuning in to hear a specific personality, but they are listening to that specific talent.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with one of the greatest champions for radio’s on-air talent, Don Anthony. Don is the Owner and Founder of Talentmasters. He is the publisher of Jockline Daily and is also producer and host of the annual Morning Show Boot Camp and the Talk Show Boot Camp.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Sherman Kizart, Managing Director, Kizart Media Partners.

The 2010 census states almost 38% of the U.S. population is comprised of minority and ethnic groups and that figure is estimated to grow in 2020 when the new census is taken. These individuals represent an important and ever-increasing audience for radio.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Sherman Kizart, Managing Director, Kizart Media Partners.

Over the years Sherman has focused his efforts on the consideration and inclusion of multicultural audiences in an advertiser’s marketing campaign.  Through his hard work and dedication, the Fair Play Charter, relaunched earlier this year by the 4A’s, reemphasized that media agencies and media departments within agencies recommit to fair and equitable treatment of minority media owners and or media targeting minority audiences. Sherman has also been a proponent and spokesperson on the importance of diversity in broadcast ownership representing both women and minority groups.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Doug McElrath and Jim Baxter with the University of Maryland’s Library of American Broadcasting.

Broadcasting has an extremely rich history. There have been many individuals, events and activities that have not only influenced the business but helped pave the way for the business as we know it today.

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Doug McElrath, Director of Special Collections and University Archives for the University of Maryland Libraries and Jim Baxter, Research Associate with the University of Maryland’s Library of American Broadcasting. The Library of American Broadcasting Foundation’s collection is located on the university’s main College Park Maryland campus. It has been curated over the years and features many things from radio and television’s early days to specific collections donated by companies and individuals. The foundation is a 501 (c) (3) charitable foundation to which tax-deductible contributions may be made to help support the mission of the foundation.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Dave Santrella, President of Broadcast Media at the Salem Media Group.

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Dave Santrella, President of Broadcast Media at the Salem Media Group. Salem is a multi-media company specifically targeted to audiences interested in Christian, family-themed content and conservative values.  The radio division focuses on three strategic programming formats reaching that audience.

Although their revenue model is slightly different, the company faces similar issues as secular radio. As Dave says, “At the end of the day, it all starts with a phone call. People buy from people and we all need to provide reasons to make someone want to meet with us.”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Fred Jacobs, President of Jacobs Media.

Understanding how radio listeners consume media and how technology affects their habits and behaviors as radio listeners is important information to know.  Since the early 2000’s Jacobs Media, whose focus is guiding media companies in this age of digital disruption, has been aggregating multiple radio station databases to generate and publish a national study entitled “Tech Survey.”

In this edition of Radio on Main Street, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Fred Jacobs, President of Jacobs Media.  Having recently released the 2018 survey results Fred shares some of the important learnings and strategic takeaways.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Jeffrey Hedquist, Known as “Advertising’s Storyteller.”

In this episode, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB, speaks with Jeffrey Hedquist. Jeffrey is known as “advertising’s storyteller.” He is a commercial creator who has won hundreds of advertising awards and works directly with advertisers, agencies and radio stations.

An advocate for advertisers, he believes strongly in using the power of storytelling to help tell the advertisers message. His message to radio is to not write commercials but to create stories that engage the listener. More importantly, stories that engage the listeners are stories about the listeners.

Radio on Main Street from the Radio Mercury Awards:  What Makes a Great Radio Commercial

What makes a great radio commercial?  We put that question to the attendees of The Radio Mercury Awards held May 31st at the Cutting Room in New York.  The Radio Mercury Awards is the only competition exclusively devoted to radio and was established in 1992 to encourage and reward the development of effective and creative radio commercials. This year’s theme was “Sound Makes the Story.”

In this special edition of the Radio on Main Street Podcast, we turned on our microphones as our guests gathered for this year’s event and asked them to share with us, what makes a great radio commercial.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Ruth Presslaff, Founder and President of Presslaff Interactive Revenue

One word dominating the media world today is data and its importance in understanding our listeners, helping agencies and advertisers with their buying decisions, and analyzing the success of their marketing campaigns.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB, speaks with Ruth Presslaff, Founder and President of Presslaff Interactive Revenue. You may have read Ruth’s company was recently acquired by Second Street and working in tandem, both companies are working with local media companies on their data and email strategies. How do we know what data to look at, to use and to collect? In each case the data needs to be relevant for our listeners and effective for our advertisers.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Bill McElveen, Executive Vice President of the Eastern Region for Alpha Media

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB, speaks with Bill McElveen, Executive Vice President of the Eastern Region for Alpha Media.  One of the many strengths of local radio is the difference it makes in a person’s life. It is truly the voice of the local community.

Listen as they discuss the state of local broadcasting, the importance of creating remarkable content and the need for the industry to focus on creating value for the advertiser.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand and New York Times Bestselling Author

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand and New York Times bestselling author. His latest book entitled Building a Story Brand stresses the importance of clarifying messages so customers will listen, reinforcing the message that the words we use matter.

In the podcast they discuss how storytelling will transform the way we talk about our brands and the unique value we bring to our advertising partners.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Craig Swagler, General Manager of CBS News Radio Network

News by definition is meant to inform and provide all of us with information we need to make the best possible decisions we can that affect our lives and our communities.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB, speaks with Craig Swagler, General Manager of CBS News Radio Network. They discuss the state of news in general and its importance in radio today.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Ralph Martin, Music Education Coordinator for the Vacaville Christian School’s Radio Conservatory

This past week, April 21 to 28, a little known but exciting part of radio’s landscape was celebrated – it was high school radio week.  With multiple high school stations broadcasting across the country, Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB, connected with Ralph Martin, Music Education Coordinator for the Vacaville Christian School’s Radio Conservatory where for the last four years they have officially been broadcasting 24/7 KVCB, 100.9 FM in Vacaville, California, a town located about halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento.

In honor of this special occasion, the station had just come off a live 24 hour marathon inviting local bands and broadcast alumni alongside their current student broadcasters.  As we think about the next generation of broadcasters, Ralph shares that “our kids are going to be OK.”  It’s a positive outlook on the future of broadcasting and the future of our society in general.  If you want to hear for yourself, you can stream the station at and click “Listen Live.”

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Charlie Sislen, Partner of Research Director Inc.

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Charlie Sislen, Partner of Research Director Inc. With a focused approach they work with  programming and sales departments at radio stations to help them interpret their ratings, turn their data into knowledge and turn that knowledge into revenue.

In this podcast they discuss the importance of research, how to understand research, and how to use research to help radio tell its great story.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Paul Brenner, President of Tag Station and NextRadio

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB and Paul Brenner, President of Tag Station and NextRadio reconnect. We have heard a lot about FM chips in mobile devices but there is much more going on at NextRadio. Paul and his team provide stations with analytics to help advertisers and agencies capture ROI.

In this podcast they discuss how NextRadio has shifted gears and the current opportunities available for radio.

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Seth Resler, the Digital Dot Connector for Jacobs Media Strategies

One of the big stories that continues to dominate the news is regarding Facebook and the disclosure that a third party British consulting firm used the social network to gather data on millions of people and in turn use that data for strategic communication for the electoral process.

With social media playing a large role in radio’s promotion and marketing efforts Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB thought it was a good time to reconnect with Seth Resler, the Digital Dot Connector for Jacobs Media Strategies.  Seth believes that Facebook’s problems are absolutely going to impact radio and to expect major changes in the future from this social media giant

Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Mike Sherry, Vice President Sales for Forever Media

Erica Farber, President & CEO of the RAB sat down with Mike Sherry, Vice President Sales for Forever Media.

Forever Media has a company creed that details five responsibilities with the first one being to the advertisers that invest in their stations.  It states they, being the company, must always remember the customer expects and deserves results and increased profits.  With oversight of revenue for 51 stations in nine markets, Mike strongly believes everyone in radio sales today needs to focus on selling radio’s value.  And if everyone has pride in their radio stations and sells that value on a local basis, radio will continue to thrive.