
Radio On Main Street, featuring Mike Hulvey, CEO and President of Neuhoff Media

In our thirteenth episode Erica Farber chats with the CEO and President of Neuhoff Media, Mike Hulvey. With 20 radio stations serving consumers from Illinois to Indiana, Mike is the first non-Neuhoff family member to serve as the chief executive of the company in its 68 years of broadcasting. Grit, community, excellence and innovation are the four core values of Neuhoff Media which guide the entire team in everything that they do. As Mike reminds us, broadcasting changes communities and affects lives! 

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Radio On Main Street, featuring Bill Bennett, Media Solutions and Account Manager at Enco Systems

In the fourteenth NAB Show series, we hear the conversation Erica Farber had with Bill Bennett, Media Solutions and Account Manager for Enco Systems, the company who in partnership with Benztown graciously allowed RAB to record Radio on Main Street live in their exhibit booth every day of the NAB Show. Enco Systems has been a provider of technology for the broadcast, audio and video industries for over 30 years. Bill shared that, as a manufacturer, they are nothing without their customers telling them what they like and don’t like and want or don’t want. They have to constantly keep those findings front and center and share with their own developers. As technologists, they build technology to help other people do things better. They have to keep refreshing their products and evolving to what’s possible.  

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Radio On Main Street, featuring Mike McVay, President of McVay Media

In our final episode of this continuing series, we hear the conversation Erica had with Mike McVay, President of McVay Media. Founded in 1984 as a programming consultancy, today the company is focused on radio, network and syndication, coaching talent, working with podcasters and as Mike puts it, “marketing for things that color outside the lines”. Mike is an as astute content and programming thought leader and offers tremendous insights to the radio industry as it continues to innovate and plan ahead for the future. 

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Radio On Main Street, featuring President & CEO of Skyview Networks, Steve Jones. 

In our twelfth episode of this continuing series, we hear the conversation Erica Farber had with the President & CEO of Skyview Networks, Steve Jones. Skyview is a leader in broadcast solutions, content syndication and network audio sales. 

Hearing from local radio stations that clear network commercials, Steve shared they are grateful at the quality of the advertising creative, and the names of the brands being advertised. They feel their stations sound bigger when you hear the national commercials on the air, helping to lift the perception of the local advertisers.

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Radio On Main Street, featuring Rob Babin, Executive Vice President, Head of Radio, Cox Media Group

In our eleventh episode of this ongoing series, we hear the conversation Erica Farber had with Rob Babin, Executive Vice President, Head of Radio, Cox Media Group which is comprised of 52 radio stations in 11 markets, and numerous streaming and digital platforms. 

Rob feels strongly that when working in radio broadcasting we are truly helping to defend democracy. By what we do, the content that is created, the clients that are developed and all the support in between. We are allowing millions of people to get information, to be entertained, to smile, and to help businesses fulfil their potential.    

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Radio On Main Street, featuring Chris Forgy, CEO of Saga Communications.

In our tenth episode of this continuing series, we hear Erica Farber’s conversation with Saga Communications’ new CEO Chris Forgy who was appointed to his position after the sudden death of Ed Christian. Losing a leader unexpectedly is never easy for a company or business but Chris has stepped into his new role with both feet firmly planted. He is keeping the Saga team focused on the things they can control while keeping the path clear for where they are going. He reinforces that radio is the conduit to the communities we serve and that’s why radio matters. 

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Radio On Main Street, featuring John Rosso, President & CEO of Triton Digital

In the ninth episode of this continuing series, we hear the conversation Erica Farber had with John Rosso, President & CEO of Triton Digital, whose focus is to support the digital aspirations of radio broadcast companies.

As live streaming of broadcast stations continues to grow and podcasts continue to see remarkable audience growth, the majority of radio’s revenue today continues to come from the broadcast side. John feels as an industry it is important that broadcast inventory is available for purchase in the places where people are making their purchasing decisions and more and more that’s sitting in front of a digital demand site platform and currently broadcast inventory in not there. Listen to the entire conversation and understand why John believes this could be transformational for the industry.

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Radio On Main Street featuring Julie Koehn, owner and President of Lenawee Broadcasting

In the eighth episode of the NAB Show series, we hear Julie Koehn, owner and President of Lenawee Broadcasting. Julie shared her biggest issue today centers around AM Radio and as we heard it is not just a safety issue but a community issue as well for so many local areas.  The episode also focuses on the need for the industry to promote Radio as a career destination for the next generation.  It’s a motivating call for action! 

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Radio On Main Street, featuring Tim Clarke, Senior Vice President of digital audio content at Audacy

Our seventh episode of this continuing series features Tim Clarke, Senior Vice President of digital audio content at Audacy.  Tim shares his belief that the biggest opportunity to grow our audience exists in letting our listeners learn they can consume us digitally everywhere and make that a daily habit.  He also reminds us of the special attributes of the radio industry!  

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Radio On Main Street featuring Carla Lieble, General Manager of Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group

In this sixth episode of Radio On Main Street NAB Show series, we feature Carla Lieble, General Manager of Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group.  With 14 radio stations, a lifestyle magazine and an in-house advertising agency, Carla is focused on delivering marketing solutions and opportunities for her clients.  And she’s able to do so by building a strong company culture which she feels is her number one priority. Listen in to Carla’s conversation with Erica and how she recruits and hires for attitude and trains for skills.   

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Radio On Main Street featuring Bill McElveen, Regional President and Chief Compliance Officer for Alpha Media

Episode five of Radio On Main Street’s NAB Show Series features Bill McElveen, Regional President and Chief Compliance Officer for Alpha Media. The company owns or operates 207 radio stations in 44 markets across the country. 

With community involvement at the forefront, Alpha has taken it seriously by encouraging all employees at each station to be personally involved with organizations that can use an extra hand.  Bill shares how the ‘Alpha Cares’ initiative fosters company culture and engages the community.    

Bill also discusses the importance of recruiting the next generation of broadcasters and how critical it is to the future of broadcast radio.  

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Radio On Main Street – NAB Show Series, Featuring with Hubbard Radio CEO Ginny Hubbard

In this fourth episode of the series, Erica Farber sat down with Hubbard Radio CEO Ginny Hubbard, a third-generation broadcaster.  As you’ll hear from Hubbard, the company is celebrating its centennial this year and is focused on the future and staying on top of what’s new and most importantly understanding the difference between what to pay attention to and what is just noise. 

She also shares that if every radio brand in the country could spend some money on marketing their brands it would truly make a difference and the value of telling our story and how much more robust the industry could be if we simply invited people to listen to us.

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Radio On Main Street – NAB Show Series, Featuring Jonathan Brewster, CEO of El Dorado Broadcasters

In episode three of Radio On Main Street NAB Show series, Erica Farber chats with Jonathan Brewster, CEO of El Dorado Broadcasters, a privately held company that owns seven stations in Victor Valley, California and three stations in Yuma, Arizona. 

Focusing on content development and on-air talent, the company continues to expand its brands, and as you will hear from Jonathan, El Dorado truly serves its communities and advertisers with a passion where they bring their local advertisers and communities together.

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Radio On Main Street – NAB Show Series, Featuring Kelli Frieler, Executive Director, Digital, for Leighton Broadcasting

In this second episode of the NAB Show series, Erica Farber sat down with Kelli Frieler, Executive Director Digital for Leighton Broadcasting and Leighton Engage, a marketing agency owned by Leighton Broadcasting that’s focused on helping small to medium sized businesses generate results and solid ROI. 

As we continue to hear and see the results companies are having with digital efforts, Kelli discusses the importance of being able to leverage all the different touchpoints radio has with today’s audiences.

Kelli provides a good reminder on the importance of evolving to be focused on the user experience and just how important it is to collaborate across companies for broadcast radio to continue thrive.

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Radio On Main Street – NAB Show Series Featuring John Catsimatidis and Chad Lopez from WABC Radio

RAB recently attended the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas, April 15-19. Over the next several weeks you will have the opportunity to listen in on some of our conversations with thought leaders in broadcast radio.

In episode one of the Radio on Main Street NAB Show series, Erica Farber speaks with John Catsimatidis, a successful self-made American businessman who acquired WABC, a standalone AM radio station, and Chad Lopez, President Red Apple Media and WABC Radio.

With all of the news regarding the possible elimination of AM radio in automobiles, as they claim they are changing with the times, the timing of this podcast couldn’t be better. Listen in and hear how AM radio is alive, well and even growing in New York City.

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