
In Person or Online? Here’s What Auto Buyers Prefer

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

If you have spoken with anyone who has purchased or leased any vehicle within the past year, you will probably hear about the highs and lows of the process. While inventory may not be as big a challenge as it has been in years past, there are other difficulties.

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Radio Listeners and Cocktail Selections

Authors: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights and Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

There is nothing better than a cold beer at the end of a long workday, or a few alcoholic seltzers in the backyard while grilling with family or friends – though the world of alcohol is steadily changing.  

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Home Services Ads on Radio: What’s Working Best

Contributor: Rick Kestenbaum, General Manager, AnalyticOwl

Is a homeowner ever truly done with repairs and projects? Most homeowners will tell you no, and that creates constant opportunity for businesses in the home services category.

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Get Ready for 2023

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

The holiday haze has finally lifted, and routines are back in full swing. Some folks are talking about a “dry” January or working on those resolutions they made. January is a month when people regroup and reset for the year ahead.

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2022 – The Year of Local

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Businesses. Retailers. Restaurants. Community. There has been incredible focus on everything local as consumers looked around and realized the role and impact local has in their lives. After all, it is great to travel, but “there’s no place like home.”

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Radio and That ‘Just Right’ Feeling

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

“Ahhhh, this chair is just right.” Goldilocks knew exactly what was comfortable to her. How many of us have understood that statement whenever we looked at, sat in or laid on a piece of furniture or bedding?

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Bank on Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Today’s economic environment is causing Americans to view examine their finances and the institutions they use for savings. According to Northwestern Mutual’s 2022 Planning and Progress study, the average amount of savings dropped from $73,000 in 2021 to $62,000.

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Radio Drives CBD Purchases

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

We’re living in a new era – an era where medical cannabis is legal in 39 states and its recreational use is legal in 19. Did you ever think we’d be here? Public opinion has evolved on cannabis, though some still are wary of it. The good news is that there may be a product that brings the health benefits of cannabis without the adverse side effects many associate with it.

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Why Radio Still Has the Ear of Consumers, Influencing Buying Decisions for a Variety of Advertisers

Contributor: Jenn Hoff, Digital Sales Director, Marketron

Radio continues to be a channel that engages and influences listeners across all demographics. While much has changed since its inception, radio holds strong as a medium that people trust and truly tune in to, making it a great opportunity for any advertiser.

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Healthcare Ads on Radio: What’s Working Best

Contributor: Rick Kestenbaum, General Manager, AnalyticOwl

Healthcare is always a top-of-mind concern for consumers, and radio has proven to be an effective way to reach and motivate consumers. According to Scarborough’s USA+ 2022 Release, 85% of chiropractic patients are radio listeners, 85% of optometry patients tune in weekly, and 84% of dental patients are weekly radio listeners.

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Radio Reaches Pet Owners

Author: Victor Texcucano, Content Coordinator, RAB

Pets are loyal companions, protectors and even mood boosters, according to WebMD, which says pets can stave off depression, lower blood pressure and boost immunity.

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Score Big with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Labor Day is right around the corner. For many, the holiday signifies the end of summer. For others, it is a reminder that school is back – from grade school to college. As students return, so do sports.

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Reach Foodies with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

After a few years of limited personal interaction, consumers are hungry. They are hungry for social events, gatherings and the experience of food outside of their homes. All consumers have truly become “foodies.”

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Radio – A Key Channel to Target Voters

Contributor: Meg DiMattina, Account Director/Claritas

With so much happening in the United States over the last several years, from concerns about the economy and inflation, rising healthcare costs, the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in abortion rights, and more, it is understandable that many Americans are dissatisfied and feel that the country needs major changes.

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Use Radio to Gain the Attention of Back-to-School Shoppers

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It is summer! It’s the time of year for backyard parties, days at the beach and back-to-school shopping. While it may be hard to believe, families are already planning their strategy for purchasing all their children’s back-to-school (BTS) and back-to-college (BTC) needs.

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Radio Works to Drive Business and Brand Growth

Author: Tammy Greenberg, SVP/Business Development, RAB

Radio can help brands and businesses grow in a number of ways. Whether the goal is to drive awareness, traffic, or sales, radio can be a key player in a brand’s media plan. In fact, according to a 2020 iHeartMedia survey, radio is the No. 1 trusted medium in the U.S., with 75 percent of respondents saying they trust radio for the information and entertainment it delivers.

Through a Radio Works series of online, members-only events, the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) has taken a deep dive into more than 18 categories of business, including healthcare, automotive, retail, and restaurants, among others. While each category is unique, one thing remains consistent across the board: radio can be an effective way to drive business and brand growth.

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Radio Bridges the Gap for Dentists

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Kissing a frog, being in a roomful of snakes or using a dirty toilet. Those are just a few of the things that people would rather experience than going to the dentist, according to DentaVox.

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Radio Listeners are Ready to Move and Groove

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

If you have traveled anywhere lately, you may have noticed that hotels and airports are booming with activity. Streets and parks are abuzz with runners, joggers and cyclists. Everyone is back to their old lifestyle – or are they?

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Radio Reaches an Underserved and Wealthy Consumer Group

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

When it comes to consumer groups, most businesses focus on reaching millennials or the upcoming Generation Z. While these groups may be seen as influencers as well as future retail and services consumers, businesses may be missing an affluent and powerful consumer group – baby boomers.

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Radio Reaches the Auto Buying Market

Contributor: Casey Taylor, VP of Client Success/CivicScience

The pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption to the automotive market, from used car price spikes to rising fuel costs forcing consumers to dream about electric vehicles. Has the dust started to settle, or is there still more change to come?

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