
The Three Holidays of America Under Inflation

Contributors: Maxine Gurevich, SVP/Cultural Intelligence and Steve Grant, SVP/Human Intelligence, Horizon Media

While the National Retail Federation reports that the 2021 holiday sales grew 14.1% from 2020 to $887B, inflation’s historic high will mean a different shopping season for 2022. Our data shows that 69% of all people are concerned or very concerned with inflation’s effect on their overall finances. But like much in the contemporary U.S. landscape, inequality and division are affecting the holiday retail season – people are experiencing three entirely different holidays depending on psychological reactions to inflation.

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The Eyes Have It

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Throughout 2020, eyes became the focal point of expression and connection. In some instances, adults used makeup to accentuate their eyes impacting eye makeup sales. According to a Kantar analysis, while the total cosmetics category experienced usage declines in 2021, eye makeup was less severely impacted.

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Drink Up! Radio can pour it on for beverage advertisers.

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is right around the corner. This, of course, means that people will be cooking, eating and drinking various beverages. Those drinks can vary from juice to wine.

The beverage industry was not immune to the upheavals created by the pandemic. As stay-at-home orders were issued, consumers found themselves determined to be healthier and not only change what they ate, but also what they drank. And as people longed for human interaction, virtual cocktail hours also created opportunities for adults to share and try new alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages.

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Back-to-School … at Home

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

It’s August! Did you know that August is considered National Back-to-School Month? It’s the time when parents of school-aged children are in the deep throes of clothing, shoes and school-supply shopping. This year will be no different from any other.

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Looking Into Her Shopping Cart

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Women make up most of the U.S. population – and they control $15 trillion in spending. They hold incredible influence in household purchase decisions – 75% to 80%. Marketing to women is an important element to the success of brands – but it’s not as simple as making things pink.

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Radio on Main Street Podcast Featuring Arica McKinnon Director of Client
Solutions, Local Media Analytics
at Nielsen

In this edition, Erica Farber, President and CEO of the RAB speaks with Arica McKinnon, Director of Client Solutions, Local Media Analytics at Nielsen. Research is important on many levels. It allows a station the opportunity to learn more about its listeners and it can help to tell a station’s story to an advertiser. Having access to strong local data especially in small or medium markets is not always feasible.

In this podcast they discuss how, Nielsen, through their media analytics division is now providing affordable analytics for local stations and the four key benefits they provide.

Mom Knows Best, Best to Know Mom


Any way you slice it, U.S. moms are a massive group of passionate and loyal consumers who are decision-makers, multi-taskers, media junkies and have a collective buying power of more than $2.5T.

Not all moms are alike. There are stay-at-home moms, work-from-home moms, working moms, new moms, moms of older children and late bloomer moms, just to name a few. Generally speaking, moms are women who are making purchasing decisions not just for themselves but for the entire household. They are the consummate multi-taskers; they are socially active and aware; they value their time with family and their time alone or with friends; and they are constantly on-the-go.

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Women – The Importance
of Communication

Everyone you know has a woman who has been influential in their life.  As people, we understand the important role that our mothers, aunts, sisters, and friends have played.  As women break through glass ceilings and help pave the way for others, the advertising industry has already recognized the important role that women play.  Radio, however, has always communicated to women and with women – from local radio personalities to nationally syndicated program hosts.

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of Communication”