
People tune in and listen and listen
to radio

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We look forward to each time Nielsen releases another quarterly issue of their Total Audience Report.  It provides the entire ad community with a perspective on shifts and changes in media usage.  But it is of no surprise that our interest is about radio’s usage.

The Q2 2016 Nielsen Total Audience Report noted that, in a three-year comparison, the number of radio stations that an adult tunes into has grown.  Radio delivers content, whether it is in the form of talk, news, sports or music, and listeners tune in to find it.  Based upon this report, the average number of radio stations tuned in by adults every month is 7.1.

People listen compositeComposite legend

Use of different platforms by ethnic group often varies.  However, in the case of radio, what we see yet again is that the number of stations tuned-into has also grown.

Black Chart

Hispanic slide

People tune into different radio stations because of their interests. Radio has a multitude of formats and each of these formats reaches a very specific audience.  These formats can reach people based on their interests, lifestyle, political views, and even language.

These figures prove that, despite so many media options available, radio is as strong as it has ever been.  Radio is a very important segment of the media landscape.  Radio has an engaged audience that just listens and listens.


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to radio”

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