
Heavy Radio Listeners Stay Connected

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

If you are like most people, your home and those that live in it became more tech savvy and “smarter” in the past few years. People realized the importance of cellphones, fast internet and other tech type things. People became “tele-everything.” This is potentially the dawn of a tele-everything world, but this world is dependent on the internet, technology and of course, the devices needed in this new world.

People use the cellphones, mobile devices and internet for business and play. These devices have become extensions of their lifestyle and personality – over one-fourth of adults see their cell phones as just that, according to MRI-Simmons.

The internet, via technology and devices, serves as a lifeline for consumers. Sixty-four percent of adults 18 and older rely on the internet to communicate with family and friends. As businesses and companies that provide internet or mobile services target consumers, insights into their preferences and perspectives may help. When it comes to mobile devices in particular, heavy radio listeners are 28% more likely than the U.S. population to have listened to radio on a mobile device in the past month.

Heavy radio listeners consider their mobile phones as a source of information and entertainment. Sixty-six percent of heavy radio listeners agree that their device is a source of entertainment, and 62% use it for product information when they are in a retail location. Mobile devices also aid heavy radio listeners with their personal activities, with 60% using it for inspiration of where to go and what to do during their spare time and 79% use it in different ways to get any information they need.

But it isn’t just about mobile devices, internet service providers should know what matters to heavy radio listeners since 86% look to the internet first, to get the information they need. And as noted before, local matters to radio listeners. Eighty-eight percent of radio listeners use the internet to research local information.

In today’s world, many consumers “bundle” their services, and radio listeners are no different. Radio listeners who have bundled their TV, internet and/or cellular service view certain aspects important to them. Specifically:

  • Coverage area matters – 86% believe that the service coverage area is very important.
  • Price comes in second – 85% see price as an important factor.
  • Service plan availability is important – 74% agree.
  • Customer service. Surprisingly, it comes in fourth place – 66% consider it an important factor.

Reflective of the category, there is a lot of “data” that internet and wireless advertisers need to consider and include when consumers, especially radio listeners. As a competitive category, taking action to help reduce churn is important. Focusing messaging based on what matters to potential consumers or subscribers can make a difference. Connecting with consumers isn’t always about coverage, price or service plans. It is about providing them with what they want that fits and is reflective of their lifestyle.


One thought on “Heavy Radio Listeners Stay Connected”

  1. Great article – hitting a home run on the importance of local radio advertising according to consumers’ habits and the changes in how they receive and search for information.

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