
Radio On Main Street Featuring Rich Tunkel, Managing Director at Nielsen Audio

In the twelfth episode of the NAB Show series, we hear the conversation Erica Farber had with Rich Tunkel, managing director at Nielsen Audio, and how after a year of transition including new ownership, Nielsen is committed to helping radio tell its story in a more public way and how they’re stepping up their marketing efforts. We hear how Rich and the organization are committed to more partnerships within the radio industry and bringing the best of what Nielsen does – which is a scientific approach to panel-based measurement that’s representative and projectable with demographics at the local market level with other data sets. The end result is to highlight radio’s importance via attribution or putting it in context with other audio options.

Click Here to watch the interview on our YouTube channel.

Click here for Season 5: 2024 NAB Show podcasts

Click here for Season 4: 2023 ANA Masters of Marketing podcasts


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