
Data is the New Bacon

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

In this world, there are always ingredients, products or events that disrupt culture and make an impact. A few years ago, it was bacon. Bacon has moved from the breakfast table to the dinner table and ultimately to desert. It could be found on anything from soups to cupcakes. Similarly, data has found its place everywhere and in anything we do. That is probably why, Amber Hameed, Vice President, Information Systems, Dollar Shave Club referred to data as “the new bacon.” Data can be found anywhere and by anyone.


At the 2019 ANA Data & Analytics event, representatives from organizations shared their experiences in tracking data, cleansing and applying it to improve, not only their business but the relationship with their consumers. 


Faisal Zanjani, Senior Global Director of Marketing & Strategy with The Coca-Cola Company referred to the importance of “thinking about the consumer first, audience second” because data has allowed companies to personalize their messaging and communication. But personalization is not just limited to the consumer, it can also be applied to weather where the consumer lives.


John Saas, VP, Marketing & Communications ScottsMiracle-Gro shared how they were able to turn a problem into an asset. Lawn and garden product use occurs only six to eight weeks in any market. As a company with a diverse line of products that react differently to weather, their challenge was knowing what product to advertise when. They approached the Weather Company which compiled 25 billion daily forecasts in 2.2 billion locations mapped every 15 minutes. Using this information, they were able to create a dashboard that changed their insights from what did happen to what will happen and used that to plan inventory their audio, display, and video campaigns.


Of course, you can speak about data without considering the auto industry. No industry has been impacted by technology and data more than automotive. “The vehicle becomes a platform for media and transactions, stated Saejin Park, Director, Global Digital Transformation, General Motors.” However, despite all these shifts and possibilities, it comes down to people. “At the end of the day, data is worthless, you need to understand the behavior,” stated Park.


Across all presentations, the theme was the same. Data is important. It can lead to authenticity in a brand’s communication style and impact. Data is the new bacon.


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