
Shoppers Spend a Lot of Time with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

Halloween is almost here. To some, that brings images of candy and costumes, but to others, it means that holiday shopping is about to begin.

Holiday shopping is top-of-mind for many, especially this year. Inflation and continued supply chain concerns will influence and impact those holiday shopping lists. Various surveys have pointed to Americans spending either the same or less in 2022. Regardless of how much they spend, retailers will need to work hard to address the concerns that consumers have to gain their trust and their share of holiday spending.

According to a survey conducted by SAP, consumers will be influenced by cost, with 45% stating that cost will be the top factor and 75% including it as one of their top three factors. A similar survey released by Gartner delivered similar results with price, value and free shipping as factors when it came to gift selection. In addition, the ability to buy online and pick up in store (BOPIS), a service that was born during the height of the pandemic, is now a commonplace expectation by shoppers.

Buying gifts for friends and loved ones is never easy. According to MRI-Simmons data, 69% of adults buy gifts as a way of expressing gratitude, but when it comes to female principal shoppers, that percentage jumps up to 75%. When it comes to gift inspiration, many consumers will look to friends and family’s wish lists first, but other influences will be search and brand websites, per Gartner. Retailers should incorporate a medium that reaches people on the go to remind consumers of what to search and where to go.

Previous posts have illustrated radio’s ability to not only drive but lift website activity for businesses – from appliance and furniture retailers to lawn and garden and even dentists. It is no wonder that this occurs because radio and the internet are where consumers spend the lion’s share of their day. Whether it is someone who has purchased jewelry or children’s clothing, radio has a significant place of their time with media.

According to 2021 consumer survey data conducted by The Media Audit, adults who purchased items in the following categories spent the most time with radio and the internet (no email).

Additionally, adults 18+ who made the following purchases:

  • Sporting goods in the past four weeks spent 167 minutes with radio and 198 with internet.
  • Children’s clothing in the past four weeks spent 157 minutes with radio and 206 with internet.
  • Men’s clothing in the past weeks spent 151 minutes with radio and 198 with internet.
  • Women’s clothing in the past weeks spent 148 minutes with radio and 201 with internet.

During this gift shopping season, retailers that promote savings, availability and service will capture the attention and wallets of consumers. It is crucial to incorporate a medium that not only captures the attention of shoppers for a large portion of their day, but it also is the perfect complement to drive consumers to search and traffic to brand websites. Radio does all this and that is why radio works.


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