
Radio On Main Street, featuring Bill Bennett, Media Solutions and Account Manager at Enco Systems

In the fourteenth NAB Show series, we hear the conversation Erica Farber had with Bill Bennett, Media Solutions and Account Manager for Enco Systems, the company who in partnership with Benztown graciously allowed RAB to record Radio on Main Street live in their exhibit booth every day of the NAB Show. Enco Systems has been a provider of technology for the broadcast, audio and video industries for over 30 years. Bill shared that, as a manufacturer, they are nothing without their customers telling them what they like and don’t like and want or don’t want. They have to constantly keep those findings front and center and share with their own developers. As technologists, they build technology to help other people do things better. They have to keep refreshing their products and evolving to what’s possible.  

Click here for all episodes from Season 2: NAB Show

Catch up on episodes from Season 1: ANA Masters of Marketing


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