
Reach Pet Owners with Radio

Author: Annette Malave, SVP/Insights, RAB

After a long day at work, there is nothing like taking some time to go for a walk or play with a furry friend. Pet ownership has been shown to improve one’s physical and mental health. Not only do they offer companionship and reduce stress, in some instances, they provide a service by helping people live independently.

Pet ownership continues to grow. The American Pet Products Association (APPA) estimates that over 90 million households own a pet. That translates to 70% of U.S. households. With pet ownership comes expenses – ranging from pet food, vet care, medicine, grooming, insurance and more. In 2023, the APPA projected sales of these expenses to reach over $143 billion. The pet industry sales estimates are not expected to decline any time soon.

If you are a pet owner or know one, it is not a surprise to learn that pets are considered part of the family. The connection people have with their pets is like a powerful bond. While in the past, these connections may have been viewed as unusual, they are now much more accepted. Hotels have recognized how important pets are to families. While there is a growth in pet-friendly hotels, there are some that offer treats, pet beds and bowls as part of their hotel accommodation.

Similar to the percentage of households owning a pet, nearly the same percentage tune into radio. Sixty-four percent of pet owners are broadcast radio listeners, per MRI-Simmons.

Pet-owning radio listeners also consider their pets as family. Eight in 10 believe that pets deserve to be pampered. They care for their pets and in the past year:

  • 42% have been to the vet one to two times.
  • 31% have spent $500 or more on vet care.
  • 30% have spent $500+ on pet food.
  • 26% have taken pets to the groomers.

These radio listeners can also be advocates for any brand or service. They are 25% more likely to be trusted by their friends or family on the topic of pets. Perhaps that is why they are 34% more likely to consider themselves super influential consumers.

With pet industry sales continuing to climb, there are so many businesses that can grow by connecting with pet owners and sharing the services and products they offer. With a high percentage of pet owners tuning into radio, these consumers represent a highly targetable and sales opportunity for businesses focused on this industry. These businesses should unleash any doubts and include radio as part of their marketing plan.

People love their pets! They are proud to show their pets off. If you come across a pet-owning radio listener, you can be certain that they will show you a picture of their pet. Thirty-seven percent of them have used their smartphone or tablet to take a picture of their pet. How many pictures they have in total may need to be a topic for another day.


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